Real Time

Data (Coded FACCH/F GMSK Burst - Advanced)

The Fast Rate Control Channel Full Rate (FACCH/F) is a coded channel that is available with Option QFP.To open the Data node, click Data in the tree view. Use the Data window to define the bits in the bursts. The cells displayed in the Data section are determined by the Channel Type for the selected timeslot as defined in the Timeslot window.

Figure: Coded FACCH/F Data Node

1. Data (Normal GMSK Burst)

Tail Bits (3 + 3 bits)


Stealing Flags (1 + 1 bits)(1 bit entry)

Training Sequence Bits (26 bits)

Guard Period (n bits)

2. Control Frame

Data for Control Frame

Change Data Values Button

Click to display a drop-down menu in which you can copy a timeslot configuration from one timeslot to another

Data Node Parameters

Use the Data window to define the bits in the bursts. The cells displayed in the Data section are determined by the burst type (Timeslot Type) for the selected timeslot as defined in the Timeslots window. In the window shown above, Timeslot 0 is set up for a data cell with a coded Fast Rate Control Channel Full rate (FAACH/F) burst.

1. Data (Coded FACCH/F)

Tail Bits (3 + 3 bits)

Tail bits are set by the software.


Choice: PN9 |PN15 | User Defined Bits

Default: PN9

Click the Details button in this cell to open the ClosedData Source Selection window. 

Select an encoded PN9, PN15 or ClosedUser Defined Bits. The selected data is coded continuously across the RLC data block per the 3GPP standards. An independent version of the selected data is coded across the MAC header.

The buttons in this window are described in Marker Source Selection.


Click Import to open a dialog box in which you can navigate to and import a pre-defined pattern file. The imported file automatically updates the user data entry area. The software accepts the following file types:


Click Export to open a dialog box in which you can save the current data pattern to a file. You can save the data pattern as one of the following file types:


Click Clear to clear all data displayed in the user data entry area.

Insert PN9

Click Insert PN9 to insert a fixed psuedo-random bit sequence (pattern) containing 511 bits (29-1) into the user data entry area. The software generates this fixed pattern in accordance with the CCITT recommendation 0.153. You can click this button repeatedly to add additional PN9 sequences until the maximum file size is reached (65536 bits). If the maximum file size is exceeded, the software truncates the excess data. 

To edit the existing data pattern after reaching the maximum file size, insert the cursor at the desired point in the file and press Insert PN9 or use the keyboard 1 and 0 keys. The software inserts the data at the cursor position and truncates data in excess of 65536 bits.

Insert PN15

Click Insert PN15 to insert a fixed pattern psuedo-random bit sequence containing 32,767 bits (215-1) into the user data entry area. The software generates this fixed pattern in accordance with the CCITT recommendation O.153.

To edit the data pattern, insert the cursor at the desired point in the file and click Insert PN15, or enter the information manually using the keyboard keys 1 and 0. The software inserts the data at the cursor position and truncates all data in excess of 65536 bits.

To perform a receiver test with a continuous PN sequence, select PN9.

Stealing Flags (1 + 1 bits) (1 bit entry)

You can enter 1 (control channel burst) or 0 (data channel burst). The default is 0. When Coded FAACH/F is entered at the Timeslot node, the software automatically sets the Stealing Flag bit to 1 (The Stealing Bits are not editable when Coded FAACH/F is selected).

Training Sequence Bits (26 bits)

Default: TSCO

Click the Details button in this cell to open the ClosedData Source Selection window.

Select TSC0 to TSC7 or User Defined Bits to use for the training sequence bits.  

The training sequences selections are defined as follows:

If you manually change a timeslot (channel type), the training sequence for that timeslot resets to TSC0 provided that the training sequence was not previously changed for the new channel type.

















Select User Defined Bits to define Closedcustom training sequence bits.

The buttons in this window are described in Data.

Guard Period (n bits)

Guard period bits are set by the software. This setting is not editable.

Table: Guard Period Lengths Between Different Timeslots

Burst Transition

Burst Transition Guard Period Between Timeslots (In terms of normal symbol periods)

TS0 and TS1 or

TS4 and TS5

Any other timeslot pair

normal symbol period to

normal symbol period



2. Control Frame

Data for Control Frame

Choice: PN9 |PN15 | User Defined Bits

Default: PN9

Set the data for the control frame within a multiframe setup. Click the Details button in this cell to open the ClosedData Source Selection window. 

Select PN9, PN15 or User Defined Bits. Select User Defined Bits, to Closedcreate a data string.

The buttons in this window are described in Data.

If the Multiframe type parameter at the Carrier n node is set to 13 Multiframe with idle frame, the Data for Control Frame parameter, while appearing as active, has no effect since there is no control frame.

Timeslot (Advanced)