Menu Bar and Tool Bar

Click an icon or a command in the menus shown below to view its description.




Save As...



Create Trial List


Change Hardware Connections

Run System Configuration Wizard




Contents F1


API Reference

Software License Terms

Keysight Signal Studio Website




Sets the software to its standard initial state using the current hardware configuration. The window name changes to Untitled. Rename and save the new setup as a settings (.scp) file (saving only the software parameters).


Opens a saved settings (.scp). Opening a settings file configures the waveform data parameters for use with the currently selected hardware.  

To use a settings file with a different hardware configuration, select Change Hardware Connections, or Run System Configuration Wizard and re-configure the hardware.

Save as...

Saves the parameters configured in the DFS/DAA node and Instrument node to a specified settings file (.scp). Settings files do not include the hardware configuration information such as LAN or GPIB settings for specific instruments listed in the Hardware node. 

The Trial List will not be saved as part of .scp settings file. If you want to save the trial list together with the current settings, first, save the trial list in the Trial List Table window, then exit that window and save the settings file.


Stops and closes the software. If you made any waveform setup changes, a dialog box opens asking if you want to save the changes before exiting. The Closedclose button performs the same function as selecting Exit.


Create Trial List

Creates the trial list based on the current settings. The ClosedTrial List Table window appears for your selected radar profile standard, displaying the current settings. You can make edits to the trial list in a predefined range and download the trails in the trial list to the instrument by clicking Download before each trial in the window.

For ETSI 301 893, the ClosedTrial List Table window provides more editing options when Variable Burst Interval Time is set to True.


Change Hardware Connections

Opens ClosedStep 2 of the System Configuration Wizard, where you can select a previously saved hardware configuration, or define and save a new hardware configuration.

Run System Configuration Wizard

Opens the ClosedSystem Configuration Wizard, enabling you to configure your system component connections and save the hardware configuration for later use. Use the System Configuration Wizard to set up a new instrument connection.


Options enables or disables the Closedwelcome dialog display. 


Contents opens the help system and displays the table of contents. Press F1 to do the same.

Search opens the help system and displays the search utility.

API Reference opens the API help system, including programming commands and descriptions.

Software License Terms opens the Keysight Software End-User License Agreement (EULA).

Keysight Signal Studio website opens the Signal Studio web page, describing products, options, and bundles.

About displays the version and release date of the software.