Installation Steps: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
You must install a license on the instrument you will use to play the waveforms generated by the Signal Studio software. If you will be using a LAN connection between the PC running the Signal Studio software and your instrument, use Keysight License Manager 5 to install the Signal Studio license in the instrument.
Download Keysight License Manager 5, free of charge, at the following website:
At the prompt, select Run to install the software directly, or select Save to save the software to your hard drive.
To install the software after saving it to your hard drive, perform the following steps:
Double-click the Keysight License Manager 5 executable file.
In the dialog box that appears, click Run and follow the prompts
For more information about Signal Studio licenses, see Licensing.
For detailed information about installing Signal Studio licenses, see Installing the License.