A trigger is a signal that causes the analyzer to make a measurement sweep. The analyzer offers great flexibility in configuring the trigger function.
View the interactive Trigger Model animation to see how triggering works.
External Triggering (separate topic)
See other 'Setup Measurements' topics
How to set Triggering |
Using Hardkey/SoftTab/Softkey |
Using a mouse |
Note: The Continuous, Single, and Hold settings apply ONLY to the active channel. These settings are available from the Trigger menu, Active Entry keys, and softkeys
View the interactive Trigger Model animation to see how triggering works. Trigger SourceThese settings determine where the trigger signals originate for all existing channels. A valid trigger signal can be generated only when the analyzer is not sweeping. Internal Continuous trigger signals are sent by the analyzer as soon as the previous measurement is complete. Manual One trigger signal is sent when invoked by the Trigger button, the active tool bar, or a programming command. External Trigger signals received from the trigger source. The trigger source can be defined in External and AUX Triggering. Pulse3 Trigger signal using internal Pulse3 to Meas Trig In bypass. Pulse3 can be defined in the Pulse Generators Setup dialog. Manual Trigger! - Manually sends one trigger signal to the analyzer. Available ONLY when Manual trigger is selected. Trigger ScopeThese settings determine what is triggered. Global All channels not in Hold receive the trigger signal [Default setting] Channel Only the next channel that is not in Hold receives the trigger signal. This is not obvious or useful unless Trigger Source is set to Manual. This setting enables Point Sweep mode. Active Channel - Trigger are sent only to the active channel. The active channel does not change. Channel Trigger StateThese settings determine how many trigger signals the channel will accept. Continuous The channel accepts an infinite number of trigger signals. Groups The channel accepts only the number of trigger signals that is specified in the Number of Groups text box, then goes into Hold. Before selecting groups you must first increment the Number of Groups text box to greater than one. Number of Groups Specify the number of triggers the channel accepts before going into Hold. If in Point Sweep, an entire sweep is considered one group. First increment to desired number, then select 'Groups'. Single The channel accepts ONE trigger signal, then goes into Hold. Another way to trigger a single measurement is to set Trigger Source to Manual, then send a Manual trigger. However, ALL channels are single triggered. Hold The channel accepts NO trigger signals. See also this Keysight support article: HOW TO ACQUIRE DATA USING AVERAGES ON A VNA WITH SCPI EXAMPLE IN PYTHON Trigger ModeThese settings determine what EACH signal will trigger. Sweep and Point modes are available ONLY when both Trigger Source = MANUAL or EXTERNAL AND Trigger Scope = CHANNEL.
Restart (Available only from the Trigger menu) Restart stops the currently sweeping Channel, and continues on to the next Channel that can sweep. Examples:
See Also