Last updated: 2014-11-28
For more information on the GPIB Command conventions, see GPIB Command conventions
Function |
Sets/queries the DUT Primary DNS Server IP Address. |
Setting |
Range: 0 to 15 characters formatted as A.B.C.D The range of values for A = 0 to 126 and 128 to 223. The range of values for B, C, and D = 0 to 255. |
Query |
Same as setting |
*RST Setting |
Non-volatile |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:DNSServer:PRIMary:IP:ADDRess ''" |
Function |
Sets/queries the DUT Secondary DNS Server IP Address. |
Setting |
Range: 0 to 15 characters formatted as A.B.C.D The range of values for A = 0 to 126 and 128 to 223. The range of values for B, C, and D = 0 to 255. |
Query |
Same as setting |
*RST Setting |
Non-volatile |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:DNSServer:SECondary:IP:ADDRess ''" |
Function |
Sets/queries the UE loopback senario. See UE Loopback Scenario. |
Setting |
Range:TMTYpe1 | AMTYpe1 | TYPE2 |
Query |
Range:TMTY1 | AMTY1 | TYPE2 |
*RST Setting |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.03.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Sets/queries the expected power level from the UE. |
Setting |
Range:-65 dBm to +30dBm Resolution:1 dB |
Query |
Range:-65 to +30 |
*RST Setting |
-10 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the TD-SCDMA Primary CCPCH RSCP Report. This query returns an interger mapping to a range of RSCP values. See UE Measurement Control. |
Query |
Range: -5 to 91, 9.91E +37 (Null) |
*RST Setting |
9.91E +37 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.03.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:PRIMary:CCPChannel:RSCP?" |
Function |
Queries the UE reported Access Stratum Release Indicator. This results indicates which specification release that the UE supports. See UE Access Stratum Rel Ind. |
Query |
Range: 4 to 8, 9.91E +37 (Null) |
*RST Setting |
9.91E +37 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.03.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:ASTRatum:RINDicator?" |
Function |
Queries the UE reported failure cause. See UE Reported Failure Cause. |
Query |
Range: 1 to 255, 9.91E +37 (Null) |
*RST Setting |
9.91E +37 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:AUTHenticate:FAILcause?" |
Function |
Clears the UE (mobile) reported information for currently selected application. |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:CLEar" |
Function |
Clears the UE (mobile) reported information when using the TD-SCDMA application. See Clear UE Info. |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:CLEar:ALL:TATDscdma" |
Function |
Queries the mobile reported IMEI for the currently selected application. It is the last reported IMEI in the latest call setup procedure. |
Query |
Range: Range: 0 to FFF FFF FFF FFF FFF or "" (String of 0 to 15 characters, each charater from the set 0123456789ABCDEF) |
*RST Setting |
"" (null string) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:IMEI?" |
Function |
Queries the mobile calculated IMEI for the currently selected application. It is the last reported IMEI in the latest call setup procedure. |
Query |
Range: Range: 0 to FFF FFF FFF FFF FFF or "" (String of 0 to 15 characters, each charater from the set 0123456789ABCDEF) |
*RST Setting |
"" (null string) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.03.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:IMEI:CALCulated?" |
Function |
Queries the mobile calculated IMEI when using the TD-SCDMA application. It is the last reported IMEI in the latest call setup procedure. See IMEI. |
Query |
Range: Range: 0 to FFF FFF FFF FFF FFF or "" (String of 0 to 15 characters, each charater from the set 0123456789ABCDEF) |
*RST Setting |
"" (null string) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:IMEI:CALCulated:TATDscdma?" |
Function |
Queries the mobile reported IMEI when using the TD-SCDMA application. It is the last reported IMEI in the latest call setup procedure. See IMEI. |
Query |
Range: Range: 0 to FFF FFF FFF FFF FFF or "" (String of 0 to 15 characters, each charater from the set 0123456789ABCDEF) |
*RST Setting |
"" (null string) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:IMEI:TATDscdma?" |
Function |
Queries the mobile reported IMSI for the currently selected application. It is the last reported IMSI in the latest call setup procedure. |
Query |
Range: 000000 to 999 999 999 999 999 or "" (String of 6 to 15 characters, each character from the set 0123456789) |
*RST Setting |
"" (null string) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:IMSI?" |
Function |
Queries the mobile reported IMSI when using the TD-SCDMA application. It is the last reported IMSI in the latest call setup procedure. See IMSI. |
Query |
Range: 000000 to 999 999 999 999 999 or "" (String of 6 to 15 characters, each character from the set 0123456789) |
*RST Setting |
""(null string) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:IMSI:TATDscdma?" |
Function |
Sets/queries the DUT (Device Under Test) IP address. This command is used to set up a wireless device's IP address. |
Setting |
Range: 15 characters formatted as follows: A.B.C.D The range of values for A= 0 to 126 and 128 to 223. The range of values for B,C,D = 0 to 255 |
Query |
Range: 15 characters formatted as follows: A.B.C.D The range of values for A= 0 to 166 and 168 to 223. The range of values for B,C,D = 0 to 255 |
*RST Setting |
Null |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:IP:ADDRess ''" |
Function |
Sends a Measurement Control message, which orders the UE to perform measurements on cell. See UE Measurement Control. This action in only allowed when the call status is Connected. |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.03.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:MEASurement:REQuest" |
Function |
Queries the mobile reported Power Class for currently selected application. It is set to the value of UE power class in the last RRC connection setup complete message from UE, and is cleared by the Clear UE Info action. |
Query |
Range: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9.91E+37 |
*RST Setting |
9.91E+37 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:PCLass?" |
Function |
Queries the mobile reported Power Class when using the TD-SCDMA application. It is set to the value of UE power class in the last RRC connection setup complete message from UE, and is cleared by the Clear UE Info action. See Power Class. |
Query |
Range: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9.91E+37 |
*RST Setting |
9.91E+37 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:PCLass:TATDscdma?" |
Function |
Queries the mobile reported the detected SYNC_DL code index. It is set to the value of SYNC_DL code index in the last random access procedure, and is cleared by the Clear UE Info action. See Detected UpPCH Sig. |
Query |
Range: 0 to 255, 9.91E+37 |
*RST Setting |
9.91E+37 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:MS:REPorted:UPPChannel:DETected:SIGnature?" |