N1060A Block Diagram
The following block diagram illustrated the major components of the N1060A precision waveform analyzer, which are the receiver, clock recovery, and precision timebase blocks. As you can see on the diagram, the channel inputs can be an NRZ, PAM4, square wave, or sinusoid. The precision timebase input should be a sinusoid.

Receiver Block
The receiver block has two 50 GHz input channels or two 85 GHz input channels (options 050 and 085 respectively). The waveforms in each channel is sampled with a sampling pulse that originates from the N1000A DCA-X. Each channel includes an integrated ≥100 GHz pickoff that sends a portion of the input signal to the clock recovery block.
Avoid expensive repairs! The high performance 1 mm RF Chanel Input connectors are very fragile and are easily damaged when improper connection techniques are used. Alway use the the tools in the N1060A accessory kit while following safe connection techniques to connect adapters, cables, or cables to channel input adapters.
Each channel has its own ≥100 GHz sampler which allow fast 250 kHz sampling. A 16-bit, low-noise ADC converts the sampled signal to digital before sending the signal to the N1000A. Automatic channel deskew of differential signals is available from FlexDCA's Differential Advanced Setup dialog.
Clock Recovery Block
Depending on the N1060A option, the clock recovery can be 16 GBd (option 216), 32 GBd (option 232), or 64 GBd (option 264). On N1060A's with Option EVA, the clock recovery block includes two variable equalizers that enable the N1060A to open "closed eyes" on the clock recovery path. Variable-gain amplifiers increased the clock recovery sensitivity. The output of the clock recovery block is sent to the front-panel Recovered Clock Output and is also available to the precision timebase block (option PTB) and directly to the N1000A.
Precision Timebase Block
The precision timebase block is installed on N1060A's with Option PTB. Depending on the N1000A settings, the precision timebase can operate at up to a 250 kHz sample rate.