
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Query Syntax


Query Response

{1 | 0}


Queries the completion of a calibration step, which results in a dialog being displayed where the user must choose either to continue or cancel the calibration. The CAL:SDONe? query response string is the message shown in the dialog enclosed in double quote characters and followed by a newline character.

For example, following string is returned during a Module calibration when the introductory dialog is displayed:

At this point, the user clicks a NEXT or CANCEL button, which is accomplished remotely using the :CALibrate:CONTinue or :CALibrate:CANCel commands.

If a calibration has not been initiated, the following string is returned.

"No Module Calibration in progress."

Requires FlexOTO revision A.07.00 and above.