Command Line Arguments Sent to Switch

FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

When FlexOTO runs the switch driver, FlexOTO sends any command line arguments to the driver. What arguments are expected depends on the driver. Usually command line arguments are used to pass the switch's COM or VISA address, but they can contain other configuration information as well. The arguments are sent from FlexOTO when the user clicks Run in the Switch Connection Setup dialog or sends the :SWITch:RDRiver command to FlexOTO. Your switch driver must parse any arguments, establish the connection with the switch, and send a response to FlexOTO.

Interaction when Switch Driver is Started

Returned Response from Driver

The response should always return the "DONE" string. If the switch responds with an error, the error should be returned before the "DONE" string.

print(error-messages)  # if needed