3. Study the Virtual Map
This drawing shows, in a Manufacturing environment, how the various software and hardware components interact.
- Typically, you would assign one DUT Fixture per Test Station A manufacturing setup for testing one or more DUT Fixtures. The Test Station includes a Text Executive program to control DUT settings and temperature.. However, nothing prevents the use of multiple DUT Fixtures per Test Station.
- Your Test Station's Test Executive A module of manufacturing code used to control a single Test Station. The Test Station includes one or more DUT Fixtures. configures and runs the associated FlexOTO Station's A FlexOTO child process for making independent measurements for a Test Station. Test Program A FlexOTO Session's test plan for a Test Station. A Test Program specifies measurement configuration, measurement settings, and saved results..
- Your Test Station's Test Executive can independently pause and resume a FlexOTO Station's Test Program. For example, when a Test Station is waiting for the temperature to stabilize. FlexOTO actively shifts its acquisition and analysis to other running Stations.
- Let FlexOTO handle all communication with the DCA-M modules. FlexOTO knows subtle facts such as DCA-Ms don't require clock recovery during an average power measurement.