IGBT: Ic-Vge Test
Measures Ic-Vge characteristics for 3-terminal IGBT devices. SMU pulse is used for the Collector-Emitter voltage output.
Used with:
- B1505A: IGBT DUT, IV test type
- This test requires Ic-Vge PD1000A.xtdconfiguration file. See Install PD1000A Configuration Files for more information.
- If the data sheet lists a maximum test limit for a parameter, use that value.
- If there is no maximum test limit, use a typical value.
See also Setting IV and CV Test Parameters.
Test Schematic
Gate Parameters
Click here for detailed information about each item in the list.
Gate: The SMU connected to Gate terminal, primary sweep voltage output. Select Gate SMU from the drop-down menu.
VgStart (V): The SMU connected to Gate terminal, primary sweep voltage output.
VgStop (V): The Sweep stop voltage for Gate terminal.
VgStep (V): The Sweep step voltage for Gate terminal.
IgLimit (A): The upper limit of gate current.
Emitter: The GNDU:GND connected to Emitter terminal. This field cannot be changed.
Gate Resistance: Specify the desired Gate Resistance for the device, either 0 (default), 10, 100, or 1000 W.You must set the same Gate Resistance value in two places: 1) in the parameters for this test; and 2) in the EasyEXPERT software for your B1505A or B1506A power analyzer. See Additional IV and CV Test Information.
Collector Parameters
Click here for detailed information about each item in the list.
Collector: The SMU connected to Collector terminal, secondary sweep voltage output.
VcStart (V): The Sweep start voltage for Collector terminal.
VcStop (V): The Sweep stop voltage for Collector terminal.
VcPoint: Number of collector voltage sweep steps.
IcLimit (A): The Collector current compliance.
PulsePeriodMode: The Pulse period mode, AUTO or MANUAL. (If you choose MANUAL, you must also set the ManualPulsePeriod parameter.)
ManualPulsePeriod (s): The Pulse period. Use this parameter only when you have selected PulsePeriodMode = MANUAL.
PulseWidth (s): The Pulse width.