IGBT: Rg, Cgg-Vg Test
Measures the internal gate resistance, Rg, of the device. The device must have a gate oxide. In IC-CAP and the PEMG software the gate resistance is calculated from the Cox, also known as Cgg or Cg. Cgg = Cgs + Cgd + Cgb. Requires the N1272A Device Capacitance Selector SMU.
Used with:
- B1505A: IGBT DUT, CV test type
- If the data sheet lists a maximum test limit for a parameter, use that value.
- If there is no maximum test limit, use a typical value.
See also Setting IV and CV Test Parameters.
Test Schematic
Gate Parameters
Click here for detailed information about each item in the list.
VGEStart (V): The Sweep start voltage for gate pulse bias.
VGEStop(V): The Sweep stop voltage for gate pulse bias.
Collector Parameters
Click here for detailed information about each item in the list.
SweepOutput: Use the drop-down menu to choose the scale of sweep:
Linear - Linear sampling (see also the LinearNOS setting)
Log10 - 10 points/decade log sampling
Log25 - 25 points/decade log sampling
LOG50 - 50 points/decade log sampling
LinearNOS: The number of steps for LINEAR SweepOutput.
Frequency (Hz): The Measurement signal frequency (in Hz). NOTE: Keysight recommends that you use a 100 kHz measurement frequency when using the B1506A for this test (due to an additional error of its device capacitance switch).
VCE (V): The Collector voltage.