FET: Gate Diode Forward and Gate Diode Reverse
Measures characteristics of gate current when source and drain are grounded. This is useful for GaN FETs with a diode structure between Gate and Source, and thus have large Gate-to-Source current flow.
Used with:
- B1505A: FET DUT, Gate Diode test type
- This test requires the Gate Diode PD1000A.xtd configuration file. See Install PD1000A Configuration Files for more information.
- The Gate Diode Reverse test is the same as the Gate Diode Forward test but uses negative voltages.
- If the data sheet lists a maximum test limit for a parameter, use that value.
- If there is no maximum test limit, use a typical value.
See also Setting IV and CV Test Parameters.
Test Schematic
Gate Parameters
Click here for detailed information about each item in the list.
Gate: Use the drop-down menu to choose the gate type:
Gate SMU - Specifies the Gate port of the N1265A (B1505A only).
MPSMU - Specifies medium power source/monitor unit.
VGSStart (V): The VGS sweep start voltage (V).
VGSStop(V): The VGS sweep stop voltage (V).
LinearNOS: The number of steps for LINEAR sweep scale (see the SweepOutput option).
IgLimit (A): The upper limit of gate current.
NPLC: GNDU connected to source terminal, constant voltage output.
HoldTime: Measurement sampling hold time.
Drain Parameters
Click here for detailed information about each item in the list.
Vd (V): Drain voltage.
IdLimit (A): The Drain current compliance. If the VdStart voltage is negative, set IdLimit negative also.