Offsets & Limits Tab (Adjacent Channel Power)

Offsets & Limits Tab

Offset Spacing from Carrier/Subblock - Defines the points between which a frequency offset is measured.

Center to Center - Frequency offset is measured from center of the carrier to the center of the offset measurement filter.

Edge to Center - Frequency offset is measured from edge of the carrier span to the center of the offset measurement filter.

RF Radio Frequency: A generic term for radio-based technologies, operating between the Low Frequency range (30k Hz) and the Extra High Frequency range (300 GHz). Bandwidth Edge to Center - Frequency offset is measured from edge of the RF bandwidth to the center of the offset measurement filter.

Default: Center to Center

Choices: Center to Center, Edge to Center, RF Bandwidth Edge to Center

Inner Offset Spacing - This setting is only applicable to offsets with Inner Offset indicated. The purpose of Inner Offset Spacing is to simplify configuring carrier aggregation test scenarios where inner offsets are often defined based on the "RF bandwidth edge to center," whereas regular offsets are defined "center to center."

If no offsets indicate "Inner Offset", this property is disabled.

Center to Center - Frequency offset is measured from center of the carrier to the center of the offset measurement filter.

Edge to Center - Frequency offset is measured from edge of the carrier span to the center of the offset measurement filter.

RF Bandwidth Edge to Center - Frequency offset is measured from edge of the RF bandwidth to the center of the offset measurement filter.

Default: RF Bandwidth Edge to Center

Choices: Center to Center, Edge to Center, RF Bandwidth Edge to Center

Offsets Summary

Index - Indicates the automatically assigned offset identifier, starting with "A". When an offset's checkbox is selected, it is included in the measurement. The checkbox includes or excludes the offset.

Relative Frequency - Sets the start frequency (in Hz) as an offset from the point defined by the Offset Spacing from Carrier/Subblock parameter.

Default: 5 MHz Megahertz: A unit of frequency equal to one million hertz or cycles per second.

Integration Bandwidth - Sets the resolution bandwidth used for this offset calculation. Units are Hz.

Default: 4.515 MHz

RRC Filter - Sets whether a root-raised-cosine filter is used for this offset calculation. When enabled, set the Filter Alpha (roll off factor) of the RRC filter in the field to the right of the checkbox

Default: False

Offset Side - Sets which side of offsets are enabled.

Lower - Frequency region is below the reference carrier.

Upper - Frequency region is above the reference carrier.

Both - Two frequency regions are defined, one above and one below the reference carrier.

Default: Both

Choices: Upper, Lower, Both

Subblocks - Sets the ID(s) of the subblock(s) the selected offset is referencing (Subblock1, or both Subblock 1 and Subblock2).

Default: 0 (Subblock1)

Inner Offset - Sets a value indicating whether this offset is an inner offset or not.

Default: False

Lower Spectrum Index - Selects the spectrum channel index to use for measuring the lower offset region of the spectrum.

Lower Spectrum Index is disabled and grayed out if Offset Side is set to Upper.

Default: 0

Choices: Choices: 0 to Acquisition Count-1

Upper Spectrum Index - Selects the spectrum channel index to use for measuring the upper offset region of the spectrum.

Upper Spectrum Index is disabled and grayed out if Offset Side is set to Lower.

Default: 0

Choices: Choices: 0 to Acquisition Count-1

- Deletes the selected offset.

- Adds an offset to the end of the collection.

- Deletes all but the first offset.


Enabled - Includes (enabled) or excludes (disabled) the selected offset. You can also do this at a glance for each offset in the Offsets Summary.

Power Limit

Absolute Integrated Power - Sets the absolute integrated power level limit (in dBm deciBels referenced to a milliWatt: dB relative to 1 milliwatt dissipated in the nominal input impedance of the analyzer) at the offset frequency.

Default: -8.45 dBm

Absolute PSD Power Spectral Density: See power spectral density. - Sets the absolute power level limit (in dBm) at the stop frequency of the offset.

Default: -74.996577546495 dBm/Hz

Relative Integrated Power - Sets the relative integrated power level limit (in dBc deciBels referenced to the carrier: A technique for expressing a power measurement in logarithmic form using the carrier power as a reference.) at the offset frequency.

Default: -44.2 dBc

Relative PSD - Sets the relative power level limit (in dBc) at the stop frequency of the offset.

Default: -44.2 dB

Fail Mask - Sets what types of failures are reported.

Absolute - Report failure if power exceeds absolute limits.

Relative - Report failure if power exceeds relative limits.

Absolute or Relative - Report failure if power exceeds either absolute or relative limits.

Absolute and Relative - Report failure if power exceeds both absolute and relative limits.

Default: Absolute and Relative

Choices: Absolute, Relative, Absolute or Relative, Absolute and Relative

See Also

Carriers Tab

Power Reference Tab

Interfering Signals Tab

Adjacent Channel Power Properties Dialog Box

About Adjacent Channel Power