Available Trace Data (Adjacent Channel Power)

The following table provides a list of the available measurement trace data for the Adjacent Channel Power measurement. Click on the name for detailed information about each Trace Data result.

Adjacent Channel Power
Available Measurement Trace Data

ACP Carrier Info
ACP Results
ACP Spectrum
ACP Overall
Inst Main Time*
Inst Spectrum (Average)**
Inst Spectrum (Negative Peak)**
Inst Spectrum (Normal)**
Inst Spectrum (Peak)**
Inst Spectrum (Sample)**
Noise Correction Spectrum*
Raw Main Time*
Spectrum (Average)**
Spectrum (Negative Peak)**
Spectrum (Normal)**
Spectrum (Peak)**
Spectrum (Sample)**

*These traces are only available if using Time Domain Input for the Power Spectrum Measurement.

**There is a trace output (instantaneous and averaged) available for every enabled detector. These outputs have names like "Spectrum (Normal)" for the Normal detector, or "Spectrum (Peak)" for the Peak detector. The set of enabled detectors can be specified on the Detectors tab of the MeasSetup dialog.

Each enabled detector requires computation time and memory to produce a result. To speed up the measurement, turn off unneeded detectors.