Capture Tab (Advanced Radar)
Menu Path:
The Capture Tab configures the radar signal acquisition.
Synchronization Domain -- This parameter is provided on every tab because it is a fundamental configuration parameter affecting the entire Advanced Radar measurement.
- Acquisition Length -- Determines length of time record to acquire and over which to perform detection and analysis, based on the synchronization domain.
- Bandwidth (Measurement Span) -- Displays the measurement span of the acquisition.
Segmented Capture -- Only available for supported front-end hardware acquisitions or when segmented recording is loaded.
Segment Type -- Selects between Fixed and Variable segmented capture type.
Capture Length Type -- Selects the segment length unit (count or duration).
Segment Length -- (Fixed) Specifies the per segment acquisition length in seconds.
Segment Count -- (Fixed) Specifies how many segments to capture in the acquisition.
Desired Segment Count -- (Variable) Specifies the desired number of segments to capture in the acquisition.
Desired Capture Duration -- (Variable) Specifies the desired length (in time) to perform segmented capture in the acquisition.
See Also
Advanced Radar Properties Dialog Box