Modulation (cdma2000/1xEV-DV)

Default: Automatic (See cdma2000/1xEV-DV Standard Setups/Presets Table.)

Modulation of the Despread Channel specifies how the VSA detects the modulation format for the forward link F-PDCH channel (Walsh code length 32). Either Automatic or Manual detection mode can be selected. Automatic uses the internal algorithm to determine the modulation type. However, if the VSA is not detecting the correct format, you can use Manual mode. This mode forces the VSA to use the modulation format specified in the Manual parameter text box. The modulation formats are QPSK Quadrature phase shift keying, 8PSK, or 16QAM. The manual modulation format, which is used for Despread Code Channel measurements, may be different from the detected format used for Composite measurements.

This feature is only available when Enable 1xEV DV analysis and Forward Direction is selected and the Despread Channel - Walsh Code Length is set to 32 (38.4 ksym).

Auto Detect: The internal algorithm determines the modulation format for the F PDCH channel.

Manual: Allows you to specify the F PDCH channel modulation format:

Modulation only applies to Despread Channel trace data measurement results for the F-PDCH channel (Walsh code length 32).

See Also

Available Ch1 CDP Trace data

CDE Layer trace data

CDP Layer trace data

Channel/Layer tab (cdma2000/1xEV-DV Demod Properties)

cdma2000/1xEV-DV Demod Properties Dialog Box