Advanced Display Properties (Custom OFDM)

The Advanced Display features allow you to include or exclude specific OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing: OFDM employs multiple overlapping radio frequency carriers, each operating at a carefully chosen frequency that is Orthogonal to the others, to produce a transmission scheme that supports higher bit rates due to parallel channel operation. OFDM is an alternative tranmission scheme to DSSS and FHSS. Subcarrier types and data result units in the IQ Meas and IQ Ref Trace Data results. The available Custom OFDM display options are:

Parameters Designs
Display Data Subcarriers:

Selected (default): Include the Data subcarrier information in the IQ Meas and IQ Ref Trace data results.

Cleared: Do Not include the Data subcarrier information in the IQ Meas and IQ Ref Trace data results.

Display EVM in Percent:

Selected: EVM Error vector magnitude (EVM): A quality metric in digital communication systems. See the EVM metric in the Error Summary Table topic in each demodulator for more information on how EVM is calculated for that modulation format. data results in percent.

Cleared (default): EVM data results in dB (MER).

Display Null Subcarriers:

Selected: Include the Null subcarrier information in the IQ Meas and IQ Ref Trace data results. Null subcarriers have zero amplitude; Often the Null subcarrier is the DC subcarrier In an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) or orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) signal, the subcarrier whose frequency would be equal to the RF center frequency of the station..

Cleared (default): Do not Include the Null subcarrier information in the IQ Meas and IQ Ref Trace data results.

Display Pilot Subcarriers:

Selected (default): Include the Pilot subcarrier information in the IQ Meas and IQ Ref Trace data results.

Cleared: Do Not include the Pilot subcarrier information in the IQ Meas and IQ Ref Trace data results.

Display Preamble Subcarriers:

Selected (default): Include the Preamble subcarrier information in the IQ Meas and IQ Ref Trace data results.

Cleared: Do Not include the Preamble subcarrier information in the IQ Meas and IQ Ref Trace data results.

Display Subcarrier Color Based on User ID:

Selected: The subcarrier IQ Ref/Meas trace color is based on User ID identification.

Cleared (default): The subcarrier IQ Ref/Meas trace color is based on subcarrier type (Pilot, Preamble, Data, etc.).

Display Sync Correlation in Percent

Selected (default): Sync Correlation data results in percent.

Cleared: Sync Correlation data results are unitless values.

Normalize IQ traces

Selected: The IQ trace data results (including IQ Meas, IQ Ref, Error Vect vs. Sym, and Error Vect vs. Carrier) are normalized.

Cleared: The IQ trace data results are not normalized.

See Normalize IQ traces.

User Names

Enter a comma-separated list of names for each user. If the number of names in the list is not enough, any additional needed names are constructed automatically.




See Also

Advanced Tab (Custom OFDM)

Custom OFDM Demod Properties