Cyclic Suffix (Ratio) Per Symbol (Custom OFDM)
This parameter is shown in the Frame Definition tab and the Format tab. When Frame Definition > Apply is clicked, the value in the Frame Definition tab is applied to the Format tab (and the signal analysis results).
specifies the length of the cyclic suffix (also referred to as guard interval) as an array of values, one value for each symbol in the signal. The array is constrained to always contain at least one value. The default value is an array of length equal to one, with a value equal to 0.0.
Cyclic Suffix (Ratio) Per Symbol is specified as a fraction of the OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing: OFDM employs multiple overlapping radio frequency carriers, each operating at a carefully chosen frequency that is Orthogonal to the others, to produce a transmission scheme that supports higher bit rates due to parallel channel operation. OFDM is an alternative tranmission scheme to DSSS and FHSS. FFT Fast Fourier Transform: A mathematical operation performed on a time-domain signal to yield the individual spectral components that constitute the signal. See Spectrum. length. The Cyclic Suffix guard interval is appended to the end of each OFDM symbol’s FFT time samples, by directly copying the required guard interval samples from the start region of that OFDM symbol’s FFT time samples. The value is unitless (not as percent). Cyclic Suffix is used to ensure that distinct transmissions do not interfere with one another. The purpose of Cyclic Suffix is to introduce immunity to propagation delays, echoes and reflections, to which digital data is normally very sensitive.
The Cyclic Prefix (Ratio) Per Symbol and Cyclic Suffix (Ratio) Per Symbol property arrays are coupled together to ensure equal array lengths are maintained for both properties.
When configuring these two property arrays, please ensure they are both configured with equal array length values.
See Also