Normalize IQ Traces (GSM/EDGE/EDGE Evolution)

Default: Selected 

Normalize IQ Traces turns normalization on or off. Selecting the Normalize IQ Traces check box turns on normalization; clearing the check box turns off normalization.

Normalization is always ON when Burst Sync Mode is set to RF Amp or None.

When normalization is ON, the IQ points are normalized by the RMS average of the ideal symbol points in the demodulated Timeslot which are shown in the IQ Ref Time trace. Any points in IQ Ref Time between the symbol points are not included in the RMS average.

When normalization is OFF, the actual values of the IQ points are shown.

Normalization affects these traces:

When normalization is turned on and the display is a vector or constellation diagram, the VSA displays cross-hairs or circles at the ideal constellation locations.

How Normalization Affects the Trace Units

For most configurations, the trace format chosen determines the units of the normalized trace. With normalization on, y-axis trace units (for rectangular formats) or both x-axis and y-axis units (for polar formats) become unitless or are converted to a percentage. When the Log Mag trace format is selected, the units are in decibels relative to 100%.

Normalization yields a unitless scalar (number). For traces such as Error Vector Time, the number is multiplied by 100 to display the percentage error. Thus an error vector of 0.10 is 10%.

See Also

IQ Mag Error trace data

Advanced Tab (GSM/EDGE/EDGE Evolution Demod Properites)

GSM/EDGE/EDGE Evolution Demod Properties dialog box