Configuration (Allocation) (Flex Frame)

Configuration contains parameters that specify the allocation's name, type, power boost and payload.

Enabled enables or disables the analysis of an allocation. At least one is always enabled. If you try to disable all of them, the first allocation will be automatically enabled.

Name sets name of the selected allocation (limited to 30 characters).

Type selects the allocation type.

Default: Data

Range: Preamble, Data, Pilot, Idle

Power Boost sets the relative power boosting (dB) of this allocation relative to the other allocations.

All constellations are normalized to the same RMS power, so absolute power of the 0 dB level is set to the measured RMS average of all allocations whose PowerBoostLevel is 0 dB.

Default: 0

Payload - These parameters define the allocation's payload:

Sequence specifies the allocation's PN 1) part number, or 2) packet number sequence.

Default: PN23

Choices: Unknown, PN9, PN11, PN15, PN20, PN23, Custom

Custom Sequence Type specifies the type of custom sequence when Sequence is set to Custom. After selecting the Custom Sequence Type, enter or paste the sequence into the field below the Modulation parameter. Be sure the entered data matches the specified type.

Modulation selects the allocation's modulation format.

Default: BPSK

Range: BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, 1024-QAM, 8-PSK, DVB-S2/S2X APSK, DVB-S2/S2X ϖ/2 BPSK, Custom Modulation

Custom Name (when Modulation is set to Custom Modulation) provides a drop-down list of custom modulation formats imported using the Import... parameter.

Import... (when Modulation is set to Custom Modulation) opens a dialog to import a custom modulation format. Imported modulation formats will be added to the Custom Name drop-down list to select a custom modulation format.

The same Import functionality is available in the Custom Modulation tab, which also provides constellation summaries and a means of managing and exporting custom modulations.

MODCOD (when Modulation is set to DVB-S2/S2X APSK) selects the S2X APSK modulation as specified in Table 17a of the ETSI European Telecommunications Standard Institute: The European standardization body for telecommunications. EN 302 307-2 V1.2.1 (2020-08) standard document.

Default: 128APSK Normal 135/180

Include in BER Calculations determines whether the allocation is included in Bit Errors, Bit Count and BER Bit Error Ratio - A ratio of the number of errors to data bits received on a digital circuit. metrics. See Frame Summary, Carrier Summary and Syms/Errs for more information.

An allocation supports BER calculations if the allocation's payload sequence is either a PN type or a custom bit sequence (Sequence = Custom and Custom Sequence Type = Bit Sequence).

You can also include/exclude BER calculations for each allocation using Measurement Control > Overall Allocation Control > Calculate BER.

Autodetect Bit Sequence Offset enables or disables bit sequence offset autodetection.

Autodetect Bit Sequence Offset is visible when the allocation's payload sequence is either a PN type or a custom bit sequence (Sequence = Custom and Custom Sequence Type = Bit Sequence), and available when Include in BER Calculations is selected.

BER calculation with bit sequence offset autodetection enabled is supported as follows:

  • Supported: The BER calculation of segments in a frame, which consists of more than one segment, is supported for the segments that are not used for synchronization.
  • Unsupported: The BER calculation of a frame with one segment is not supported.

When cleared (disabled), the Flex Frame demodulator assumes that the bit sequence starts at the beginning of the allocation.

When selected (enabled), the Flex Frame demodulator finds the best match to the bit sequence (whether PN or Custom), and calculates BER. When this feature is enabled, the allocation cannot be used as a Syncronization source.

Scrambling - These parameters configure scrambling applied to the allocation.

Enabled determines whether scrambling is enabled for the allocation.

Scrambler ID (when scrambling is enabled) selects the scrambler to be used by the allocation.

Default: 0

Range: 0 - (depends on the number of configured scramblers)

See Also

Frame Definition Tab