Exclude TX Settling Time (802.15.4 HRP UWB)

The Exclude TX Settling Time parameter group tells the demodulator to ignore part of the SHR, from the beginning of the frame to the excluded settling time.

The excluded part of the SHR is shown in the IQ Meas Time, IQ Ref Time and Error Vector Time traces.

On the traces that display Vect: NNN averaging (Eq Impulse Response, Ch Frequency Response, and RRC Correlated), the Vect: NNN averaging notation shows the actual number of SYNC symbol repetitions that are averaged to compute the trace. The Exclude TX Settling Time is rounded up to an integer number of repetitions, and this number of repetitions is excluded from the average.

From NRMSE Computation - excludes the specified time from the beginning of SHR when computing the NRMSE for SHR.  Does not affect the amount of SHR used to estimate impairments.

Default: 0 s

From Impairment Estimation - excludes the specified time from the beginning of SHR when estimating the frequency error, phase offset, chip clock error, and phase tracking corrections.

Default: 15 µs

See Also

Advanced Tab

802.15.4 HRP UWB Demod Properties Dialog Box