PHR/PSDU Parameters (802.15.4 HRP UWB)

The PHR/PSDU Parameters group configures the PHY Physical Layer header (PHR) and PHY service data unit (PSDU 1) PHY Service Data Unit, or 2) PLCP SDU), and selects the decoding level. The parameters available depends on the selected PHY Mode.

When an ERDEV PHY Mode is selected and STS Packet Configuration is set to After SFD, no data (3), the PHR/PSDU Parameters are disabled because the frame contains no data.

Hop Bursts - sets the number of hopping burst locations in each half of a BPM-BPSK Binary phase shift keying - A type of phase modulation using 2 distinct carrier phases to signal ones and zeros. symbol.

For the ERDEV-BPRF PHY mode, this field is hidden and the assumed value is 2.

For the ERDEV-HPRF PHY mode, this field is hidden and not applicable.

Default: 8

Chips per Burst - sets the number of chips in each burst.

For the ERDEV-BPRF PHY mode, this field is hidden and the assumed value is 8.

For the ERDEV-HPRF PHY mode, this field is hidden and not applicable.

Range: Depends on the value of Hop Bursts

Default: 128

Data Rate - sets the ERDEV data rate.

For the Non-ERDEV PHY mode, this field is hidden and not applicable.

Choices: Low, High

Default: Low

Constraint Length - (ERDEV-HPRF PHY mode only) sets the convolutional code to use. CL3 is the original code defined in the 2015 standard. CL7 is defined in the 802.15.4z standard.

Choices: CL3, CL7

Default: CL3

Frame Length (Octets) - sets the number of octets (8 bits) in the Payload.

Range: 0-127 (Non-ERDEV), 0-4095 (ERDEV)

Default: 20

FCS Type - allows you to select whether the signal contains a 2 or 4 octet CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check.

2-octet - selects 2-otcet CRC.

4-octet - selects 4-otcet CRC. 4-octet is only available for the ERDEV-HPRF PHY Mode.

Choices: 2-octet, 4-octet

Default: 2-octet

Decoding Level - selects the PHY data to be decoded. The decoded data bits are shown in the Decoded Bits trace.

No Decoding - no decoding is performed and the Decoded Bits trace is blank.

PHR+PSDU bits with FEC Forward Error Correction: An encoding technique that allows a limited number of errors in digital stream to be corrected based on knowledge of the encoding scheme used. - bits are shown after convolutional encoding is removed using a Viterbi trellis decoder with length 5. Forward Error Control bits (SECDED for PHR and Reed-Solomon for PSDU) are still present.

PSDU Bits - PSDU bits are shown after Reed-Solomon encoding (when applicable) is removed.

Choices: No Decoding, PHR+PSDU bits with FEC, PSDU Bits

Default: No Decoding

See Also

Format Tab

802.15.4 HRP UWB Demod Properties Dialog Box