Decoded Bits (802.15.4 HRP UWB)

The Decoded Bits trace shows the data bits after decoding, according to the Decoding Level parameter.

You can use Equalization Enabled for troubleshooting. Disable it to see what the bits are on the Demod Bits and Decoded Bits traces without compensating the channel.

PHR+PSDU Bits with FEC

When PHR+PSDU Bits with FEC is selected, the trace contains the following bits after convolutional encoding is removed.

[PHR bits] [PHR SECDED] [Tail (if applicable)] [PSDU 1) PHY Service Data Unit, or 2) PLCP SDU bits] [PSDU Reed-Solomon parity (if applicable)] [Tail (if applicable)]

The trace is shown in binary format (hexadecimal is not available), with the bits in the order they are transmitted.


When PSDU Bits is selected, the trace contains only the PSDU bits after Reed-Solomon decoding (if applicable).

Hexadecimal is the default format for PSDU bits. The bits are grouped LSB Least Significant Bit: In a binary coding scheme, the bit having the least numerical value. Analogous to the units position in a decimal number.-first (least significant bit first) into octets before translating to hex digits. For example, 00010000 becomes 0x08 instead of 0x10. Use Trace > Digital Demod > Symbol Table Format to select between hexadecimal and binary formats.

See Also

Available Trace Data