Equalization (802.15.4 HRP UWB)

Equalization parameters provide a means of tailoring the equalization filter for specific measurements (e.g., NRMSE), or applying no equalization filter at all.

Equalization Source - specifies the equalization filter to apply to the signal.

None - the demodulator does not compensate the measured signal (shown in IQ Meas) for channel effects. Set Equalization Source to None to see what the bits are on the Demod Bits and Decoded Bits traces without compensating the channel.

Inverse Measured Pulse - the demodulator takes the measured pulse from the EQ Impulse Response trace, truncates it to the length specified by Delay Spread, and computes the LMS (least mean squares) inversion of the filter and applies it to the IQ Meas Time trace. This value should be selected for correct NRMSE computation. Set Reference Filter to Measured Pulse to get the Err Vect Time trace to show error vector similar to other VSA measurement types.

When Equalization Source is set to Inverse Measured Pulse, the equalization applied to the IQ Meas trace will zero any locations in IQ Meas that do not correspond to pulses in the IQ Ref trace. If the data is not demodulated correctly, there will be pulses in IQ Meas that are zeroed, but really contain pulses. To see these pulses, set Equalization Source to None.

Choices: None, Inverse Measured Pulse

Default: Inverse Measured Pulse

Delay Spread - when Equalization Source is set to Inverse Measured Pulse, the LMS equalization matrix is truncated so that only the center of the EQ Impulse Response trace +/- the specified number of chips is used.

Default: 8 Chips

See Also

Advanced Tab

802.15.4 HRP UWB Demod Properties Dialog Box