Frame Trigger On (LTE-Advanced)

Default: Off (cleared)

Frame Trigger is used to decrease the necessary data capture length in order to do a successful measurement. When the measurement is triggered by frame boundary, set Frame Trigger On for best results. When the measurement is free run, you should set Frame Trigger Off.


If you set the Analysis Start Boundary as Frame and Frame Trigger is Off (cleared), the VSA software assumes the data capture is "free run." In order to capture the frame boundary, the VSA needs to capture at least one frame of data plus the Result Length plus a small settling length (less than one slot).

If Frame Trigger is On, the VSA software assumes that the data is captured using the Frame trigger, so the VSA only captures the Result Length plus a small settling length (less than one slot).

See Also

Analysis Start Boundary

Result Length

Time tab

LTE Demod Properties Dialog Box