RS Rx. Quality (NB-IoT)

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RS Rx. Quality, or NRSRQ, is a measure of the quality of the received signal as defined in Section 5.1.27 of 3GPP TS Technical Specification 36.214 and is given by the following equation



NRSRP is the Narrowband Reference Signal Received Power as defined in Section 5.1.26 of 3GPP TS 36.214. See RS Rx. Power (Avg) f for more information.

NRSSI is the Narrowband Received Signal Strength Indicator as defined in Section 5.1.24 of 3GPP TS 36.214. See RSSI or more information.



RS Rx. Quality is calculated over all data in the Measurement Interval.

See Also

RS Rx. Power (Avg)

RS Tx. Power (Avg)

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