Modulation Analysis (RFID)

Default: Selected (See RFID Standard Setups/Presets Table)

Selecting the Modulation Analysis button directs the RFID demodulation software to examine and demodulate a burst from within the acquired signal. In this mode, the demodulation software produces signal quality metrics like modulation depth and ASK Error Time.  This measurement requires only that at least one complete burst is present in the acquired data.   

When Modulation Analysis mode is enabled, all results are computed except the CW Summary table. The CW Summary table is labeled with a "DATA?" trace. When no burst is found in the data, averaging is not performed.

See Also

Measurement Mode (RFID)

CW Analysis (RFID)

Format Tab (RFID Demod Properties)

Setting up a RFID Measurement

Using Standard Setups (RFID)