About HSPA+ MIMO Analysis

This topic describes the capabilities of the HSPA+MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output: A physical layer (PHY) configuration in which both transmitter and receiver use multiple antennas. feature of Option B7U: W-CDMA Code Division Multiple Access: One of several digital wireless transmission methods in which signals are encoded using a specific pseudo-random sequence, or code, to define a communication channel. A receiver, knowing the code, can use it to decode the received signal in the presence of other signals in the channel. This is one of several "spread spectrum" techniques, which allows multiple users to share the same radio frequency spectrum by assigning each active user an unique code. CDMA offers improved spectral efficiency over analog transmission in that it allows for greater frequency reuse. Other characteristics of CDMA systems reduce dropped calls, increase battery life and offer more secure transmission. See also IS-95. (3GPP)/HSPA.

HSPA+ MIMO feature adds signal measurement analysis for 2x2 DL Down Link (forward link: from base station to cell phone) MIMO systems for HS-PDSCH High Speed Physical Downlink Shared Channel signals using flat-fading. Connect Antenna 1 and Antenna 2 of the Downlink transmitter to the two-input channel analysis hardware, and the 89601A will provide MIMO analysis capability for the HSPA+MIMO signal. Also connect Antenna 1 or Antenna 2 to single-input channel analysis hardware and the 89601A will provide single channel analysis capability for each channel independently.

The HSPA+ MIMO feature supports MIMO analysis for the following HSPA+MIMO signal format:

Topic Contents:

Making a HSPA+MIMO 2x2 Measurement  HSPA+ MIMO Trace Data Mapping Diagram
HSPA+MIMO Analysis Trace Data Overview  HSPA+MIMO Test Plane Location Mapping Table
Available HSPA+MIMO Trace Data  
HSPA+MIMO Trace Data Name Revisions  

Making a HSPA+MIMO 2x2 Measurement

This procedure applies to MIMO analysis for a 2x2 DL MIMO system for HS-PDSCH signals using flat-fading.

Measurement Setup

  1. Two-input channel analysis hardware: Connect Antenna 1 and Antenna 2 of the Downlink transmitter to the two-channel analysis hardware and the 89601A will provide MIMO analysis capability for the HSPA+MIMO signal.
  2. Single-input channel analysis hardware:  Connect Antenna 1 or Antenna 2 to single channel analysis hardware and the 89601A will provide single channel analysis capability for each channel independently.

Configure the VSA demodulator (W-CDMA(3GPP)/HSPA Demod Properties dialog):

  Compensate Channel: 
Compensate Channel parameter enabled MIMO channel compensation. Compensate Channel is only used when the VSA is in MIMO analysis mode.
Default = True

PCI parameter specifies the precoding matrix (0, 1, 2, or 3) used in the measurement. This parameter is only used if MIMO analysis is enabled.

Default = 0

  Freq Offset Model: 

Freq Offset Model specifies whether the transmitter "Tx" or receiver "Rx" impairment model is applied to the frequency offset measurement, see Using Freq Offset Model below for more information.
Default = Rx

Using Freq Offset Model parameter

The Freq Offset Model parameter selects which impairment model to use for WCDMA HSPA+MIMO measurements of Frequency Offset. When "Rx" is selected, the receiver impairment model is assumed. The transmitter locks between antenna ports and the measurement estimates receiver frequency offset. When "Tx" is selected, the transmitter impairment model is assumed.The receiver is assumed to have locked frequency clocks between input ports and the measurement estimates transmitter frequency offset. Note that the Freq Offset Model will have an impact on how to interpret the MIMO Info summary table results for "(CPICH Common Pilot Channel) Freq Offset".

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HSPA+MIMO Analysis Trace Data Overview

This topic provides an overview of the HSPA+MIMO Trace Data and Parameters that support the HSPA+MIMO analysis. There have been many new trace data results added and updates to the existing trace data results for HSPA+ MIMO analysis, see Available HSPA+MIMO Trace Data and HSPA+MIMO Trace Data Name Revisions respectively.

The MIMO system implementation produces additional signal analysis test points to the W-CDMA signal flow. The VSA provides trace data results for these additional MIMO analysis test points. To understand where within the MIMO signal flow the VSA trace data results apply, see the HSPA+MIMO Trace Mapping Diagram. The HSPA+MIMO Mapping Diagram shows the HSPA+MIMO system test point and related Trace Data results within the MIMO system signal flow. 

Selecting an appropriate VSA WCDMA HSPA+MIMO analysis configuration depends on the following factors:

The following table lists the supported MIMO configurations for WCDMA HSPA+MIMO analysis and the available trace data results for a given MIMO signal configuration.





















SISO 1-1 (1)TxAnt1 Y - Y Y Y Y -
SISO 1-2 (1)TxAnt1 - Y Y Y Y Y -
SISO 2-2 (1)TxAnt2 Y - Y Y Y Y -
SISO 2-1 (1)TxAnt2 - Y Y Y Y Y -
MISO 1 (1)TxAnt1 Y Y Y - - - -
MISO 2 (1)TxAnt2 Y Y Y - - - -
















Available HSPA+MIMO Trace Data

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HSPA+ MIMO Trace Data Mapping Diagram

The HSPA+MIMO Trace Data Mapping Diagram shows the various HSPA+MIMO Trace Data measurement categories and the associated measurement Test Plane Location within the HSPA+MIMO analysis signal flow. The HSPA+MIMO Mapping Diagram Reference identifiers (A1, B2, etc.) are used in the HSPA+MIMO Test Plane Location Mapping Table (and other Trace Data topics) to show the VSA measurement test point.

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HSPA+MIMO Test Plane Location Mapping Table

The HSPA+MIMO Test Plane Location Mapping Table provides the correlation between the HSPA+MIMO measurement Test Plane Location, the Trace Data Category (and Description), and the DataName for the .NET API 1) Access Preamble Indicator, or 2) Application Programming Interface Trace object. This table is used to determine what Trace Data category of measurements are available at a particular Test Plane Location within the HSPA+MIMO signal flow. The Test Plane Location identifier is used in the HSPA+MIMO Trace Mapping Diagram to show the VSA measurement test point.

Test Plane Location


Trace Data Category Trace Title Prefix

Trace Data Category


.NET API DataName
A1 Channel 1 Ch1 Pre-demod measurements from input channel 1. [TRACENAME]1
A2 Channel 2 Ch2 Pre-demod measurements from input channel 2. [TRACENAME]2
B1 Antenna 1 Comp Antenna1 Composite Composite measurements measured from input channel 1. Comp [TRACENAME]1
B2 Antenna 2 Comp Antenna2 Composite Composite measurements measured from input channel 2. Comp [TRACENAME]2
C1 Antenna 1 CDP Antenna1 Code Domain Power measurements measured from input channel 1. CDP [TRACENAME]1
C2 Antenna 2 CDP Antenna2 Code Domain Power measurements measured from input channel 2. CDP [TRACENAME]2
D1 Despread 1 Antenna1 [RATE] Despread channel measurements measured from input channel 1. Chan [TRACENAME]1
D2 Despread 2 Antenna2 [RATE] Despread channel measurements measured from input channel 2. Chan [TRACENAME]2
E1 Despread 1 HSTrBlock1 [RATE] Despread channel measurements of a HS TrBlock1 signal using signals combined from input channels 1 and 2 (only available for S16 code channels). Chan [TRACENAME]1
E2 Despread 2 HSTrBlock2 [RATE] Despread channel measurements of a HS TrBlock2 signal using signals combined from input channels 1 and 2 (only available for S16 code channels). Chan [TRACENAME]2
F1 Despread 1 Ant1 HSTrBlock1 [RATE] Despread channel measurements of a HS TrBlock1 signal using signal from input channel 1 (only available for S16 code channels). Chan [TRACENAME]1
F2 Despread 2 Ant2 HSTrBlock1 [RATE] Despread channel measurements of a HS TrBlock1 signal using signal from input channel 2 (only available for S16 code channels). Chan [TRACENAME]2
G1 Despread 1 Ant1 HSTrBlock2 [RATE] Despread channel measurements of a HS TrBlock2 signal using signal from input channel 1 (only available for S16 code channels). Chan [TRACENAME]1
G2 Despread 2 Ant2 HSTrBlock2 [RATE] Despread channel measurements of a HS TrBlock2 signal using signal from input channel 2 (only available for S16 code channels). Chan [TRACENAME]2


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HSPA+MIMO Trace Data Name Revisions

The W-CDMA(3GPP)/HSPA trace names chaned with release 11.20 of the 89601A VSA. The following a following information and table describe these changes.

The nomenclature for W-CDMA(3GPP)/HSPA trace names changed from "Channel 1" and "Channel 2" to "Antenna 1" and "Antenna 2". The trace names were changed to reduce confusion when referring to despread code channels versus input hardware channels. The Trace object DataNames property categories for Composite and CDP traces change from a "Channel 1" prefix to an "Antenna 1" prefix. The trace title strings changed from a "Ch1" prefix to an "Ant1" prefix. Also, because the despread channel results now can refer to multiple test planes within the block diagram, the trace titles and categories for despread channel traces are changed. Despread channel traces will now be in a category named "Despread 1" instead of "Channel 1 Chan". The trace titles will vary based on the specific test plane selected by the user, as described in the table above, and in the description of the Despread traces selection .

This change maintains backwards-compatibility through the COM API. The affected traces are listed in the table below. Note instantaneous versions of an averaged trace (indicated by "Inst" string in the COM DataName), will have a trace title matching the averaged version of the trace unless averaging is enabled. If averaging is enabled, the "Inst" string will appear in the trace title, as indicated in the table below. The [RATE] and [RATECODE] tokens in trace titles depend on the specific code channel which is selected for despread code channel analysis, as well as the layer selected for code layer analysis.


COM DataName Category Trace Title Previous Category Previous Title
CDP CDE Layer1 Antenna 1 CDP Ant1 [RATE] CDE Channel 1 CDP Ch1 [RATE] CDE
CDP CDP Composite1 Antenna 1 CDP Ant1 Composite CDP Channel 1 CDP Antenna 1 Composite CDP
CDP CDP Layer1 Antenna 1 CDP Ant1 [RATE] CDP Channel 1 CDP Ch1 [RATE] CDP
CDP Code Domain Offsets1 Antenna 1 CDP Ant1 Composite Code Domain Offsets Channel 1 CDP Antenna 1 Composite Code Domain Offsets
CDP Inst CDE Composite1 Antenna 1 CDP Ant1 Inst Composite CDE Channel 1 CDP Ch1 Inst Composite CDE
CDP Inst CDE Layer1 Antenna 1 CDP Ant1 Inst [RATE] CDE Channel 1 CDP Ch1 Inst [RATE] CDE
CDP Inst CDP Composite1 Antenna 1 CDP Ant1 Inst Composite CDP Channel 1 CDP Ch1 Inst Composite CDP
CDP Inst CDP Layer1 Antenna 1 CDP Ant1 Inst [RATE] CDP Channel 1 CDP Ch1 Inst [RATE] CDP
CDP Slot Summary1 Antenna 1 CDP Ant1 Composite Slot Summary Channel 1 CDP Antenna 1 Composite Slot Summary
Chan Error Vector Time1 Despread 1 Ant1 [RATE CODE] Err Vect Time Channel 1 Chan Ch1 [RATE CODE] Err Vect Time
Chan IQ Mag Error1 Despread 1 Ant1 [RATE CODE] Mag Error Channel 1 Chan Ch1 [RATE CODE] Mag Error
Chan IQ Meas Time1 Despread 1 Ant1 [RATE CODE] Meas Time Channel 1 Chan Ch1 [RATE CODE] Meas Time
Chan IQ Phase Error1 Despread 1 Ant1 [RATE CODE] Phs Error Channel 1 Chan Ch1 [RATE CODE] Phs Error
Chan IQ Ref Time1 Despread 1 Ant1 [RATE CODE] Ref Time Channel 1 Chan Ch1 [RATE CODE] Ref Time
Chan Syms/Errs1 Despread 1 Ant1 [RATE CODE] Syms/Errs Channel 1 Chan Ch1 [RATE CODE] Syms/Errs
Comp Error Summary1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Composite Error Summary Channel 1 Comp Antenna 1 Composite Error Summary
Comp Error Vector Spec1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Composite Err Vect Spectrum Channel 1 Comp Antenna 1 Composite Err Vect Spectrum
Comp Error Vector Time1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Composite Err Vect Time Channel 1 Comp Antenna 1 Composite Err Vect Time
Comp IQ Mag Error1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Composite Mag Error Channel 1 Comp Antenna 1 Composite Mag Error
Comp IQ Meas Spec1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Composite Meas Spectrum Channel 1 Comp Antenna 1 Composite Meas Spectrum
Comp IQ Meas Time1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Composite Meas Time Channel 1 Comp Antenna 1 Composite Meas Time
Comp IQ Phase Error1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Composite Phs Error Channel 1 Comp Antenna 1 Composite Phs Error
Comp IQ Ref Spec1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Composite Ref Spectrum Channel 1 Comp Antenna 1 Composite Ref Spectrum
Comp IQ Ref Time1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Composite Ref Time Channel 1 Comp Antenna 1 Composite Ref Time
Comp Inst Error Vector Spec1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Inst Composite Err Vect Spectrum Channel 1 Comp Ch1 Inst Composite Err Vect Spectrum
Comp Inst IQ Meas Spec1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Inst Composite Meas Spectrum Channel 1 Comp Ch1 Inst Composite Meas Spectrum
Comp Inst IQ Ref Spec1 Antenna 1 Comp Ant1 Inst Composite Ref Spectrum Channel 1 Comp Ch1 Inst Composite Ref Spectrum

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Antenna 2 Comp Trace Data (Downlink only)

Menu Path: Trace > Data > Antenna 2 Comp > ........

Antenna Composite Trace Data

Composite traces for "Antenna 2" for the HSPA+MIMO measurement. These traces are identical to the "Antenna 1" composite traces, except they are computed from the second antenna. These traces are available for Downlink measurements. The following traces are available in the "Antenna 2 Comp" traces category.

COM DataName Category Trace Title
Comp Error Summary2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Composite Error Summary
Comp Error Vector Spec2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Composite Err Vect Spectrum
Comp Error Vector Time2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Composite Err Vect Time
Comp IQ Mag Error2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Composite Mag Error
Comp IQ Meas Spec2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Composite Meas Spectrum
Comp IQ Meas Time2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Composite Meas Time
Comp IQ Phase Error2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Composite Phs Error
Comp IQ Ref Spec2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Composite Ref Spectrum
Comp IQ Ref Time2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Composite Ref Time
Comp Inst Error Vector Spec2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Inst Composite Err Vect Spectrum
Comp Inst IQ Ref Spec2 Antenna 2 Comp Ant2 Inst Composite Ref Spectrum

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Antenna 2 CDP Trace Data (Downlink only)

Menu Path: Trace > Data > Antenna 2 CDP > ........

Antenna CDP Trace Data

Code Domain (CDP) Trace Data for "Antenna 2" for HSPA+MIMO measurements. Code Domain (CDP) Trace Data are identical to the "Antenna 1 CDP" composite traces, except they are computed from the second antenna instead of the first antenna. These traces are available for Downlink measurements. The following traces are available in the "Antenna 2 CDP" traces category.

COM DataName Category Trace Title
CDP CDE Composite2 Antenna 2 CDP Ant2 Composite CDE
CDP CDE Layer2 Antenna 2 CDP Ant2 [RATE] CDE
CDP CDP Composite2 Antenna 2 CDP Ant2 Composite CDP
CDP CDP Layer2 Antenna 2 CDP Ant2 [RATE] CDP
CDP Code Domain Offsets2 Antenna 2 CDP Ant2 Composite Code Domain Offsets
CDP Inst CDE Composite2 Antenna 2 CDP Ant2 Inst Composite CDE
CDP Inst CDE Layer2 Antenna 2 CDP Ant2 Inst [RATE] CDE
CDP Inst CDP Composite2 Antenna 2 CDP Ant2 Inst Composite CDP
CDP Inst CDP Layer2 Antenna 2 CDP Ant2 Inst [RATE] CDP
CDP Slot Summary2 Antenna 2 CDP Ant2 Composite Slot Summary

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Channel 2 Trace Data

Menu Path: Trace > Data > Ch2 > ........

Channel (x) Trace Data

Trace Data for the VSA input "Channel 2". These Trace Data results are identical to the "Channel 1" trace data results, except computed from the VSA second input channel. The following trace data is available in the "Channel 2" tracedata category.

COM DataName Category Trace Title
CCDF2 Channel 2 Ch2 CCDF Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function
CDF2 Channel 2 Ch2 CDF Cumulative Distribution Function: The cumulative probability that a parameter will be less than a given value X.
Correction2 Channel 2 Ch2 Correction Spectrum
Inst Spectrum2 Channel 2 Ch2 Inst Spectrum
PDF2 Channel 2 Ch2 PDF 1) Probability Density Function Trace Data, or 2) Portable Document Format (PDF) created by Adobe Systems is an open standard for document exchange.
Raw Main Time2 Channel 2 Ch2 Raw Main Time
Spectrum2 Channel 2 Ch2 Spectrum
Time2 Channel 2 Ch2 Time

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Despread (x) Trace Data

Despread (x) Ch Trace Data

To select a particular Despread (x) Category Trace Data MIMO result, you need to first determine the appropriate HSPA+MIMO measurement Test Plane for the desired Despread (x) Trace Data result. Then use the "Despread Traces" property to configure the VSA. You use the HSPA+MIMO Trace Mapping Diagram and Test Plane Location Mapping Table to determine the correct Despread measuremen MIMO Test Plane. You use the Despread Channel "Despread Traces" parameter to configure the VSA.

Despread Traces Property  (Channel/Layer tab)

Menu Path for Despread Traces parameter: MeasSetup > W-CDMA (3GPP)/HSPA Demod Properties > Channel/Layer tab

Menu Path for Despread (x) Trace Data: Trace > Data > Despread (x) > (Despread Trace Data name)

The Despread Channel - Despread Traces parameter specifies the measurement Test Plane within the HSPA+MIMO analysis signal flow for the Despread (x) category of Trace Data results, where (x) is the Despread category number (Despread 1, Despread 2, Despread (x)). You use the HSPA+MIMO Trace Mapping Diagram and Test Plane Location Mapping Table to determine what Despread (x) Trace Data results are available for a particular MIMO Test Plane. Despread Traces parameter is only available for Despread Channel Layer - Spread Code Length 16 (240.0 ksym/s) measurements.

Despread Traces Property Limitations

The Despread Traces property is only available for downlink measurements when HSPA is selected, Number of Tx Antennas is 1, and Spread Code Length is 16 (240.0 ksym/s). See Making a HSPA+MIMO 2x2 Measurement. In all otherconfigurations, Normal is the default setting.

Determine Despread (x) Test Plane

Use the following Despread Traces Parameter Table to determine the correct Despread Traces parameter "MIMO analysis Test Plane" for a particlular Despread (x) Trace Data result. Use the provided reference and HSPA+ MIMO Trace Mapping Diagram to identify the Despread Trace Data measurement Test Plane Location for the desired Despread (x) Trace Data result.

Despread Traces Parameter Table

Despread Traces


Despread 1

(Meas Test Plane Ref(2))
Despread 2

(Meas Test Plane Ref(2))
Normal(1) D1 D2
HS TrBlock E1 E2
HS TrBlock1 per Antenna F1 F2
HS TrBlock2 per Antenna G1 G2


(1) When Normal is selected, the Despread 1 traces map to the legacy "Channel 1 Chan" traces, and represent the measured data immediately after removing the orthogonal spreading code for a specific code channel

(2) To view the measurement Test Plane Location within the HSPA+MIMO signal flow, locate the Meas Test Plane Reference in the HSPA+MIMO Trace Mapping Diagram.

"Despread 2" Trace Data

Menu Path Trace > Data > Despread 2 > (Despread Trace Data name)

Despread 2 Trace Data for "Antenna 2" for the HSPA+MIMO measurement. These trace data are identical to the "Despread 1" trace data, except they are computed from the second antenna (or in the case of Despread Traces selection of "HS TrBlock", HS TrBlock2 data). These traces are only be available in the Trace Object DataNames property list for Downlink measurements for 2 (or more) input channel configurations.

The following traces are available in the "Despread 2" trace data category. Refer to the HSPA+MIMO Trace Data Mapping Diagram for a description of how to map these traces onto different test planes within the HSPA+MIMO block diagram.

COM DataName Category Trace Title
Chan Error Vector Time2 Despread 2 Ant2 [RATE CODE] Err Vect Time
Chan IQ Mag Error2 Despread 2 Ant2 [RATE CODE] Mag Error
Chan IQ Meas Time2 Despread 2 Ant2 [RATE CODE] Meas Time
Chan IQ Phase Error2 Despread 2 Ant2 [RATE CODE] Phs Error
Chan IQ Ref Time2 Despread 2 Ant2 [RATE CODE] Ref Time
Chan Syms/Errs2 Despread 2 Ant2 [RATE CODE] Syms/Errs

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MIMO Info Summary Table

Menu Path: Trace > Data > MIMO > Info

MIMO Info Summary Table

The MIMO Info summary table contains reference values (from Antenna 1) and deviation values (for Antenna 2). The MIMO Info trace is only available for Downlink MIMO measurements with 2 (or more) Tx Antennas selected and configured for 2 Input Channels.

Metrics are provided for all four paths (Tx0/Rx0;Tx0/Rx1;Tx1/Rx1;Tx1/Rx0). Note, the Antenna 1 path is used as a reference, and therefore has zero values. Using Antenna 1 as a reference is the main difference between the "MIMO Info" summary table and the "Ant 2 Comp Error Summary" table.

"Num Tx" (hidden value accessible from COM API) indicates the number of transmit antennas processed for the measurement. This will match the user parameter "Number of Tx Antennas". If this value is "1", then the remainder of the trace will have "N/A" in place of values, and a "NO DATA" trace indicator, because MIMO analysis is not performed.

"Num Rx" (hidden value accessible from COM API) indicates the number of receiver antennas (number of input channels used by the VSA for the measurement).

"Condition Number" indicates the condition number of the MIMO channel matrix. This is a single value indicating the correlation of the MIMO channel, assuming static fading.

(CPICH) Timing Offset is the detected timing offset of the CPICH channel for each path. The Timing Offset is computed assuming the transmitter is time synchronized between antennas. Therefore both Tx0/Rx0 and Tx1/Rx0 are a reference value, and the value for Tx0/Rx1 and Tx1/Rx1 will be identical.

(CPICH) Freq Offset is the detected frequency offset of the CPICH channel for each path. The Freq Offset is computed differently depending on the MimoFreqOffsetModel property. If "Rx" model is selected, the measurement assumes just the transmitter is frequency locked between antennas. Therefore both Tx0/Rx0 and Tx1/Rx0 are a reference value, and the value for Tx0/Rx1 and Tx1/Rx1 will be identical. Otherwise if "Tx" model is selected, the measurement assumes just the receiver is frequency locked between antennas. Therefore both Tx0/Rx0 and Tx0/Rx1 are a reference value, and the value for Tx1/Rx0 and Tx1/Rx1 will be identical

H is the estimated MIMO channel matrix.

(CPICH) Phase Offset and (CPICH) Mag Offset are computed based on the H result described above. The Tx0/Rx0 path is assumed to be the reference with 0deg Phase Offset and 0dB Mag Offset.

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