DANL (Displayed Average Noise Level)

- Density data is decimated from the original FieldFox data. Refer to the FieldFox for more complete density data.
- The displayed *.sta data is not supported if any setting is changed (e.g., start/stop frequencies, span, or other changes in the middle of recording the data).


To use this feature you must have Data Link version 7.0 or greater. If you do not have the correct version of Data Link, download the Data Link software from www.keysight.com/find/fieldfox.


DANL is used only with RTSA, and SA modes.


DANL is only available when used with FieldFox firmware version A.12.5x and above.

This topic assumes you are familiar with: Open and Save Files, Record Playback Trace Recording Tool (Command Line Help, Creating Session Folders Data), Viewing Playback Data, and Setup LAN Instrument.


In this topic:

Learn how to use the DANL feature using SA and RTSA modes.

NOTE: It is recommended that you review the UI  Features, Menu Bar, and Status Bar sections, before using the Procedure.

Using Data Link's Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) Feature

NOTE: Recorded measurements from the FieldFox are required to be used with the DANL tool.

The DANL feature displays recorded SA and RTSA Spectrogram, spectrum, spectrum sequences, density or combined measurements.

NOTE: For information on how to use the FieldFox's Record/Playback features to create *.sta files, refer to the FieldFox Chapter 18/19 Interference Analyzer (SA Mode) - Option 236 and Chapter 9/10 RTSA (Real-time Spectrum Analyzer Mode- Option 350) A-Series N9927-90020, the B-Series N9938-90006, and A-Series N9915-90020 (Unabridged) User's Guides.

NOTE: It is recommended that you review the UI  Features, Menu Bar, and Status Bar sections, before using the Procedure.


Procedure for using an AutoSession (High Level):

NOTE: To learn more about opening DANL AutoSession files or if you want to convert session playback file to a *.csv, refer to Open and Save Files.

Suggested Settings:

1. On the FieldFox: Create an Autosession (n) /10 (.sta) session file by:

2. On the Menu Bar, click Tools > Playback > Open Binary Session to select your Autosession (n) (*.sta) to open in Data Link: Click File > Open... > Autosession02 (example)

Refer to Figure 1.

Figure 1. The Data Link Menu

  1. In the Open Session window that opens:
  1. Click Open Session... (See figure 2).

  2. Click on a session to open (See figure 2 and figure 3).

  3. Click Done. Learn more, see Open and Save Files.

NOTE: The DANL Tools Menu appears above the standard Data Link Tools Menu.

Figure 2. Open a Session...

  1. Then choose from the following:

UI Features:

Figure 3. Open Session Dialog Box

Figure 4. The DANL Tool Menu opens above the standard Data Link menu


Display - Density, Spectrogram, and Waterfall View Features

- Density data is decimated from the original FieldFox data. If desired, refer to FieldFox for more complete density data.
- The displayed DANL data is not supported if any setting is changed (e.g., start/stop frequencies, span, or other changes in the middle of recording the data).

In this section:

Zoom In/Out (See Figure 5 below)

Use your mouse to the change view (See also, Icon Descriptions):

NOTE: Mouse wheel can be used to Zoom In/Out..

Power (dB) Gauge - Indicates the color gradient of minimum to maximum power. Enables of disables the Waterfall data. Power gauge may be moved to anywhere in the data view using the left mouse click.


Percent Gauge - Power density/spectrum percentage. Percent gauge may be left mouse moved to anywhere in the data view.



- You can only Zoom In/Zoom Out in the Waterfall data pane and the effect can be seen in the Spectrogram and Density panes.

- Mouseover the figure below and click to go to descriptions in this topic.

Figure 5. DANL Display Features and Contract the Waterfall view using the Left Mouse Button



DANL Tools Menu Features

This section contains the following:


Save... - Saves a data link save (dls) file with the current markers and settings.

NOTE: "Save..." is only active when Data > Copy data has been used to create a copy of the current AutoSession (n). See also, Data.

Load... - Load a previously saved data link save (dls) file.

Go to trace /Go to time stamp... - In the current trace being displayed, this dialog box enables you to choose a trace or a time stamp to view.

Figure 6. Go to trace or Go to time Stamp

Report... - Use the Report dialog box to add technician, measurement description, and other details.

CAUTION: To avoid losing data entered into the Report dialog box, verify that you have saved a copy of your current Report. See Procedure for creating AutoSession (n) reports and To print a Report.

NOTE: The Report dialog box auto-populates: Data Source, Number of Points Per Trace, Resolution Bandwidth, Video Bandwidth, Center Frequency, and Span information.

Figure 7. Report Dialog Box

- To avoid losing data entered into the Report dialog box, verify that you have printed a copy of your current Report. See also, Procedure for creating AutoSession (n) reports and To print a Report.
- Also, if a *.dls file is saved, then a copy of your Report is saved.  See also, Procedure for defining a Waterfall data area and saving as a *dls file.


Procedure for creating AutoSession (n) reports:

  1. Click Recording > Report…
  2. Fill in the Report window to any detail required.
CAUTION: Avoid closing the Report window or your data will be lost. See To print a Report.

To print a Report:

  1. Click to move the Report window, so you can click on the AutoSession or AutoSession Copy (i.e., the Report window is now behind the AutoSession copy).
  2. Click File > Print… to open a Print window and select your printer Name.

NOTE: When you close the Report window, the data is cleared.

Preferences... - Opens a Preferences dialog box.

NOTE: 24-Hour Time Format is only active when Enable time values on spectrogram axis is checked.

 NOTE: 24-Hour Time Format is only active when Enable time values on spectrogram axis is checked.

Figure 8a. Preferences Dialog Box Buttons

Figure 8b. Spectrogram Colors Drop-down Box

Figure 8c. Custom Color Palette


NOTE: You can delete the default initial marker at the bottom center of the displayed data.

Figure 9. Markers: AutoSession (n) - Example for AutoSession01


Table 1. Delta Marker - Legend

This table describes the different types of delta marker icons that are used in the DANL feature.

To select a delta marker you must have two markers displayed click the marker you want to be the delta marker and:

NOTE: You can only have one active (selected) delta marker (orange) and one black delta marker at the same time. Attempting to set a third delta marker clears the other two delta markers.

Delta Flag Type


  • Orange stable (not flashing) - Stable delta marker indicates the current active (selected) delta marker.
  • Orange delta marker (flashing) - When flashing, something has been changed in the DANL display and you must re-select to make this the active marker or choose another marker as the delta marker.
    • Click the orange icon and then on the DANL Tool Menu Bar, click Markers > Set Delta Marker. Repeat this action to confirm delta marker choice.
Solid white or gray/white flashing icon indicates the current delta marker has been reselected and needs to be confirmed by clicking.
Gray delta marker with icon indicates another marker has been clicked and the delta marker is in the process of being reset. Click Markers > Set Delta Marker to make this the active delta marker.
Black delta marker indicates a second delta marker is currently selected .


Figure 10. Delta Marker Position - Active Delta Marker


Figure 11. Marker PeakSearch Dialog Box

Note: If there is not Peak Left or Peak Right data point, the white-dashed vertical bar indicates the new peak power position.


This section contains the following:

Figure 12. Data - Insert copy line, Delete copy lines, Delete last selected pair, Copy Data, and Restore copy lines to session.


Data choices:

Insert copy line - Add a copied initial line to define the Waterfall data area. Two copied lines are required to define the Waterfall data area. to be copied See also, Copy data.

Delete copy lines - Deletes all inserted copy lines.

Delete last selected pair - Click a AutoSession (n) copy, click Data > Data delete last selected pair,

Refer to "Procedure for defining a Waterfall area..."

Copy data - Copy an initial Waterfall data area defined by a pair of copy lines.

Restore copy lines to session - This activates the previously copied area of the AutoSession (n) that was defined by a pair of copy lines and enables editing of those copy lines.

Caution: Restore copy lines to session is only active when a AutoSession Copy is selected by clicking.

Note: Activated area defined by a pair of copy lines is visible in the AutoSession (n) displayed data and is indicated by a change in the color of the copied lines.

Procedure for defining a Waterfall data area and saving as a *dls file:

  1. Open an AutoSession (n).
  2. Make any changes to current view to optimize for defining the Waterfall data area (i.e., using Preferences, etcetera).
  3. Click Data > Insert copy line... for the first Waterfall data area boundary.
  4. Click double arrow () to move the copy line where you want a boundary for the area to be copied.
  5. Repeat steps 3. and 4. to complete the Waterfall data boundary area desired.
  6. Click Copy Data. A new AutoSession (n) of the copied data is displayed.
  7. Saving data as a *.dls file: Click Recording > Save...
  8. A "Collecting data, please wait..." window is displayed. Click OK.
  9. A Window opens choose file location and to name the *.dls file.

See also, Opening a *.dls File.

Procedure for Restoring copy lines to a session and Deleting last selected pair

NOTE: Learn more, refer to Example - Insert Copy Lines.

  1. Open an AutoSession (n).
  2. Make any changes to current view to optimize for defining the Waterfall data area (i.e., using Preferences, etcetera).
  3. Click Data > Insert copy line... for the first Waterfall data area boundary.
  4. Click double arrow () to move the copy line where you want a boundary for the area to be copied.
  5. Repeat steps 3. and 4. to complete the Waterfall data boundary area desired.
  6. Click Copy Data. A new AutoSession (n) of the copied data is displayed.
  7. Click on the AutoSession (n) Copy to bring forward.
  8. Click Data > Restore copy lines to session
  9. In the AutoSession (n) that had the inserted copied lines, you will see a pair of the copy lines change color that correspond to the restored copy, lines.
  10. You can manipulate these restored copy lines as desired by:

Status Bar:


Reverse /Play /Forward - To move the Waterfall data in time. The speed and amount of the Reverse /Forward time changes are set in the Preferences Dialog Box.

Frequency - Is the Center frequency of the current *.csv file that is loaded into Data Link.

Time - 12 hour /24 hour

Delta - Is the value of the current delta marker displayed in the Waterfall pane.

NOTE: If you have a delta marker visible on the display, but no delta marker value is displayed in the bottom right corner (see )

Icon Descriptions:

- indicates mouse pointer is near an area of the image that can be changed via left mouse click and drag.

- Horizontal scroll left mouse drag. Available at the bottom left side of the Waterfall, Density, and Spectrum panels.

- Vertical scroll left mouse drag. Available at the bottom left side of the Waterfall, Density, and Spectrum panels.

- Use the left mouse cursor and this double arrow with a vertical bar marker to move the Waterfall pane's X and Y axis white dashed lines.



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