AM/FM Metrics (Option 355) Commands - Requires SA

In this topic:

- Metrics

See Also

- Commands that are Common to All Modes

- Correction Methods Explained

- New Programming Commands

- Status Registers


Set the AM/FM Metrics measurement type (Select 1 of n measurement choices)


Set the AM demodulation window's Y axis--top amplitude


 Select type of metrics AM FW wideband or narrow band


Set the FM demodulation window's Y axis--top amplitude


Enables/disables the Audio ON or OFF while metrics enabled


Sets the Listen time for the measurement


Enable display of Peak+ and Peak – in the demodulation window


Sets the time span of the demodulation window


Sets the Tune (Center) frequency


Returns 8 doubles of the AM measurement  (query only)


Returns 8 doubles of the FM measurement  (query only)