[:SENSe]:CORRection:COLLect:METHod:QSOLt <p1,p2>

(Write-Only) Sets the Cal Method to 2-port QSOLT. Calibrate for sweeps in BOTH directions.

This Cal Method is NOT available on N9912A and all other models without full 2-port S-parameter option.

This Cal Method requires mating (insertable) DUT connectors. Use [:SENSe]:CORRection:COLLect:CONNector to change connector and gender.

Prompt for, then measure standards:

  • OPEN, SHORt, and LOAD on the <p1> (source) port. (This selection is NOT available from the user interface.)

  • FLUSH THRU connection between the ports.

This Cal Method requires mating (insertable) connectors. Use [:SENSe]:CORRection:COLLect:CONNector to change connector and gender.

Learn more about FieldFox Cal Methods using SCPI.

Relevant Modes

CAT and NA Mode

To Cal in VVM mode, perform a Cal in CAT or NA mode, then switch to VVM mode.




Port numbers to calibrate.

Choose 1,2 or 2,1



See Cal example

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

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Added new models