6. Equipment Setup and Test

Installation Steps: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Once the software is successfully installed, you can perform a basic, uncalibrated measurement to make sure the hardware and software are communicating properly.

  1. Launch the Keysight Signal Optimizer software.
  2. Run a simulated measurement using the default system state.
    1. Click Download All Signals. You will see a progress indicator briefly appear on the Signals and Source Hardware resource blocks.
    2. Click Run. Successfully downloading and running the default measurement using simulated hardware is the first step in testing the Signal Optimizer installation.

  3. Substitute simulated hardware with your real hardware and run the default Multitone measurement.
    1. Connect your system hardware for generation and analysis (Closedsee illustration).

    2. Perform steps 2 through 5 of the tutorial to test the system by making an uncalibrated measurement using the default multitone signal.

      The tutorial is designed for wideband applications. Make adjustments as needed for your application.