The PLTS Cal and Measurement Wizard

The PLTS Cal and Measurement Wizard guides you through a Calibration and Measurement. The PLTS Wizard can be started in several ways:

Welcome to PLTS

Welcome dialog

Click one of the following:

The selected choice has a to the right of the label.

  • New Measurement - Make a new measurement with the displayed Measurement Configuration.

  • Load Measurement -  Analyze the data from an existing (stored) measurement. You will be prompted for a DUT file to load.  PLTS will no longer be connected to the measurement hardware that was found.

  • Test Suite - Load a suite of measurements. Learn more.


Welcome to PLTS dialog

This dialog box is displayed when New Measurement is selected.

  • Hardware detection summary - (left side of dialog)  Learn more (below)

  • DUT Configuration  - (upper-right side of dialog). Learn more.

  • Calibration  - Click one of the following, then click Next >:

Perform a new calibration performs a new calibration before making a measurement.

Load existing calibration data allows you to select a previously saved calibration (*.cal) file to be used for the new measurement.

Perform measurement without calibration - allows you skip the calibration, select measurement parameters, and then proceed directly to the measurement screen. This option is not recommended for qualitative data collection.

Detect the PLTS Hardware summary

The left side of the Welcome dialog shows the connected VNA or TDR model number, address, serial number, and the firmware revision. If a test set is connected, the test set's model number, address, and serial number are displayed.

  • Click Re-Scan to re-checks for the presence of other hardware.

  • Click Select Device if other hardware is found and you want to select a different system, Select from the available PLTS systems and then click the OK button.

  • Cancel   Exits without saving a change and returns to the Startup Wizard Welcome Screen.