Setting Up, Calibrating, and Making Measurements using the TDR-Based PLTS

This topic guides you through the following:


PLTS supports the TDR-based PLTS hardware using coaxial test cables. You will need four coaxial test cables for the TDR-based PLTS measurements.

For the Keysight DCA 86100A/B/C, we recommend you use:

For the Tektronix CSA8000 and TDS8000, we recommend you use:

You also need the following calibration standards to perform the TDR calibration. Different standards are required depending on the TDR-based PLTS hardware and the desired calibration type.

Required 3.5mm (SMA) Calibration Standards

TDR System


Calibration For
Single-Ended Measurements

Calibration for Differential Measurements

Reference Plane Cal Only

Normalization plus Reference Plane Cal

Reference Plane Cal Only

Normalization plus Reference Plane Cal

Keysight 86100A/B/C

1 50W Load

1 Thru

1 50W Load
1 Short
1 Thru

2 Thrus

2 50W Loads
2 Shorts
2 Thrus

Tektronix CSA8000/

2 50W Loads

1 Thru

Not Applicable

2 Thrus

Not Applicable

Recommended Keysight Part Numbers:

Keysight Probe Model Numbers:

CAUTION    Avoiding ESD Damage to TDR Plug-In Modules

The TDR input connectors are very sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). When you connect a device or cable that is not fully discharged to the input connector, you risk damage to the module and expensive instrument repairs. Refer to your TDR documentation for detailed information regarding ESD susceptibility.


Note: Improved TDR Accuracy in Frequency Domain

The TDR pulse or step stimulus has a finite rise time of about 40 ps. When TDR measurements are viewed in the Frequency Domain, the finite rise time is translated into Loss.

To allow this added accuracy, click Tools, then Improved TDR Cal Correction before calibrating in TDR mode.

Before PLTS 4.2

The image to the right MISTAKENLY indicates a 14 dB loss through a very short (2 cm) Thru path.

Beginning with PLTS 4.2

The image to the right shows indicates an accurate view of very minimal loss through the same 2 cm Thru path.

A Response cal is performed which includes the finite rise time of the TDR stimulus and is removed when viewing Frequency Domain plots.


Launching the Startup Wizard

The Startup Wizard is displayed when the PLTS application is started.  It is also displayed anytime a new measurement is initiated, such as after selecting New from the File menu, or clicking on the new file icon on the toolbar. Learn more about the Startup Wizard.

Set Up the TDR

This dialog box allows you to set the TDR parameters for the calibration and measurement. Each of these parameters is described in the following table TDR Parameter Descriptions.

This wizard screen is initially displayed with default values for each entry. You may accept or modify these values. Modifying some of these values directly may also modify other associated values interactively. For example, when changing the Effective Dielectric Constant, the Relative Velocity Factor will change appropriately.

Reset Values  returns all selections and values to their default value.

TDR Parameter Descriptions



Maximum Time Base

Sets the desired measurement range in nanoseconds.The default setting is 5 ns. Typically the time base should be set to 2.5-3 times the electrical length of the DUT. Note: reflection measurements are "round trip".

Minimum Rise Time

Sets the rise time of normalized measurements in picoseconds. This is a function of normalization and is available to only the Keysight 86100-based TDR system.

Sampler Bandwidth

Sets the Keysight 86100-based TDR system receiver to either a 18.0 GHz bandwidth (which gives the highest fidelity and the fastest response time) or a 12.4 GHz bandwidth (which gives the best sensitivity by reducing the noise). This bandwidth is set at 20 GHz for other TDR systems.


Sets the number of points for a waveform. The more points, more accurate and slower the measurement.

Automatic - allows the TDR to select the record length for the input waveform. The TDR selects a record length that optimizes the amount of acquired data and the display update rate. This is available only with the Keysight 86100-based TDR system.

Manual - allows you to define a record length from a list of points.

Record Length - allows you to select the number of points from a list.  The number of data points that are available depends of the TDR system:

For the Keysight DCA 86100

  • 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096

  • in addition, 8192 and 16384 data points are available with DCA firmware 8.0 or higher.

For the Tektronix CSA8000 and TDS8000:

  • 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, or 4000.


Enable - turns the trace averaging on and off.  Number of Averages sets the number of sweeps to be averaged. Increasing the number of averages improves the signal-to-noise ratio at the cost of increased measurement time.

Best Throughput -  allows you to view the waveform as it is acquired. The TDR displays any noise and feed through error on the signal. It has a faster measurement time. This is available to only the Keysight 86100-based TDR system.

Best Flatness - turns on the feed through compensation circuit which reduces the amount of feed through error. This is useful when the measurement time base is in the 1ms range or greater. It has a slower measurement time. This is available to only the Keysight 86100-based TDR system.

Effective Dielectric Constant

Specifies the dielectric constant for your transmission medium. If the DUT is an embedded stripline printed circuit board trace, then the same material is on each side of the DUT and the effective dielectric constant is simply the value of the dielectric material. This device configuration is known as a "homogenous dielectric system". If the DUT is a microstrip printed circuit board trace with one side exposed to air, then the effective dielectric constant is a combination of air dielectric (1.0) and the dielectric material. This device configuration is known as a "nonhomogenous dielectric system". If the DUT is a complex channel consisting of PCB traces, connectors, vias and/or cables, then the effective dielectric constant will also be complex.

Relative Velocity Factor

Specifies the relative velocity for your transmission medium. Some velocity factor (VF) examples are: Air VF=1.000, Surface traces VF=0.53146, Buried Traces in er~4.3: VF=0.48795

When the Setup TDR dialog box values are correct, click Next > to continue.

Select the Calibration and Measurement Parameters

The Select Calibration and Measurement Parameters dialog box is displayed. The left side of the dialog box lists all 16 of the available single-ended measurements. The right side of the dialog box lists all 16 of the available differential measurements.


If you are using only one TDR module, your available measurements will be limited only eight parameters will be available.

For example, if your 54754A TDR module is installed in the left slot, you will only be able to measure four single-ended parameters (T11, T12, T21, and T22) and four differential parameters (TDD11, TDC11, TCD11, and TCC11).


When a measurement is selected, it has a check in the check box for the corresponding measurement. However, you may not need or desire data for all 32 parameters (16 single-ended and 16 differential parameters). As a general rule, the more parameters that you select, the longer the calibration and the measurement takes to perform.  The following provides a tool for estimating calibration times for each selected parameter.

Approximate Calibration Times for Single-Ended Parameters

Leave all parameters selected for this example exercise and then click the Next > button.

Performing a Calibration

The PLTS software adds value and capability to both Keysight and Tektronix TDR systems by automating the calibration process which saves time, reduces the chance of calibration errors, eliminates tedious procedures, and improves the calibration results. The PLTS calibration process includes:

  1. Selecting a calibration kit and defining the calibration file name.  This step uses the Select Calibration Kit and Filename dialog box to select the calibration standards and connectors that are used during the calibration process. The file name that the calibration information is saved to is also defined.

  2. Defining a calibration kit.  This optional step allows you to define a calibration kit if none of the pre-defined calibration kits match your calibration needs.

  3. Choosing the calibration type.  This step uses the Calibrate TDR and Modules wizard window to define the type of TDR calibration that will be performed, either a "Reference Plane Calibration Only" or a "Normalization and Reference Plane Calibration".

  4. Performing the calibration for the TDR modules. This step uses the Calibrate TDR and Modules wizard window to perform the calibration for the modules within your system.

  5. Setting the reference plane at the end of the cables. This step uses the Calibrate TDR and Modules wizard window to perform the standards calibrations, either the Reference Plane Calibration Only or the Normalization and Reference Plane Calibration.

Once the Next > button in the Select Calibration and Measurement Parameters dialog box is selected, the Select Calibration Kit and Filename wizard screen is displayed.

Note: At any time you can initiate a re-calibration of  your measurement hardware, Characterize an Adapter, or Edit a Cal Kit. Select Utilities, then select your hardware setup.

Select a Calibration Kit and Define the Calibration File Name

The PLTS software has five default TDR calibration kits. It also stores the calibration kit information.

Pre-Defined TDR Calibration Kits




85052D male cal kit


85052D female cal kit

Default SMA

TDR cal kit with female SMA thru


TDR cal kit with 3.5mm Connector Saver


N1020A TDR Probe cal kit


  1. Select the calibration kit to use: The PLTS software has several calibration kits already defined for the TDR calibration. All of these calibration kits are listed in the Select the calibration kit to use: list. PLTS is set to the Default 3.5mm selection.

If the calibration kits listed in the Select the calibration kit to use: list area do not match your calibration kit, you may define a new calibration kit to meet your requirements. Refer to Define a Calibration Kit.

  1. Specify calibration file to create/modify: Specify the file that you will use to save the calibration data.  The text box displays a default calibration file name based on the current date. It uses the string "TDRcal_" followed by the current date. You may enter another file name if you like. This calibration file name is used as a base name for saving calibration files on the PC and on the Keysight 86100-based TDR (if this TDR is being used).

If you want to overwrite a previously saved calibration file, you may select the Load button to display the TDR Calibration Files Found dialog box. The dialog box displays each TDR calibration file that has been saved in the Existing Calibration Files list.

You may review the calibration data that is saved in a calibration file by selecting a file in the Existing Calibration Files list. When a file is selected, its calibration information is displayed in the Selected Calibration File Information area.

Calibration files may be deleted by selecting the calibration kit in the Existing Calibration Files list and then selecting the Delete Cal File button. This also deletes the corresponding normalization files on the 86100-based TDR.

Note: Normalization files are stored on the Keysight 86100 DCA mainframe drive.

Click the OK button to return to the Select Calibration Kit and Filename wizard screen.

3. After the calibration kit is selected and the calibration file name is defined, click the Next > button to continue with the calibration.

For this example, the selected calibration kit is set to the Default 3.5mm selection and the default calibration file name.

Define a Calibration Kit

If none of the previously defined calibration kits in the Select the calibration kit to use: list meets your requirements, you can define your calibration kit. To define a calibration kit:

  1. Exit the startup wizard by clicking the close button in the upper right corner of the wizard: If you exit the wizard, all previously-defined setup definitions are lost.

  2. From the Utilities menu, select the TDR System Model (in this case, 86100A|54754A|54754A), then click Edit Cal Kits .

  3. In the Select Cal Kit dialog box, make sure 4-Channel TDR is selected in the Select Calibration Type list, then select the USER_DEF selection and click Edit to start the process.

  1. The calibration kit definition is performed in the Edit TDR Calibration Kit dialog box. Enter Cal Kit ID and Name into the appropriate entry boxes in the header.  The Cal Kit ID is listed in the Cal Kit column and Name is listed in the Description column of the calibration kit selection window.

  2. Also enter Connector Type. You may optionally specify the minimum (Min. Freq. MHz) and the maximum (Max. Freq. MHz) frequencies in megahertz.  The PLTS software does not currently use the frequency range information.

  3. Enter the delay values for the open and short standards Open Delay and Short Delay entry boxes. Enter the delay values in picoseconds. The value may be found in the calibration kit documentation if you are using a standard from a calibration kit.  Typically, if you are using an un-terminated connector or cable as the open, you may enter "0" (zero) ps as the value for the open.

  1. Enter the delay value (in picoseconds) of the thru in the Thru Delay entry box. Then, in the list of thrus, select the box at the left of the thru and click the Add button to associate the thru to the entered delay value. Repeat this until all six thru paths are completed.

The color of the box at the left of the thru changes from red to green as the thru path is completed. Be sure to enter a delay value for all six thru paths.

If your thru is part of an Keysight (or Hewlett-Packard) calibration kit, the delay value is listed in the Standard Definitions section of the calibration kit documentation.

The Remove button disassociates the delay value with the thru path allowing you to change the delay value for the path.

All of the thru paths may use the same delay value or you may have multiple thru delay values if you are using a thru having a different delay. One instance of using more than one delay value might be when you are creating a calibration kit definition for probing and not all of the thru paths would use the same thru delay value.

  1. After the Edit TDR Calibration Kit dialog box is complete, click the OK button to save the calibration kit with the new information and return to the Select Cal Kit dialog box shown in displaying the newly defined calibration kit in the list. Cancel deletes the information entered and returns to the Select Cal Kit dialog box.

  2. Then click the Close button to close the  dialog box.

Return to the Startup Wizard by selecting New from the File menu to make your measurement. Refer back to Starting the Startup Wizard.

Calibrate TDR and Modules

After selecting the calibration kit, verifying the data file, and selecting the Next > button, the Calibrate TDR and Modules wizard window is displayed.  This wizard window is used for the entire calibration.

1. Choose Cal. Type

Ref. Plane Calibration Only:

Normalization & Ref. Plane Calibration:

Note:  Beginning with Keysight 86100-based TDR system firmware 4.2, you can now perform normalization on common mode stimulus measurements (Tcc, Tdc). The prompts for calibration standards will differ from previous versions. You can also adjust rise time after calibration.

2. Module Cal (also called the vertical channel calibration)

"L" represents the left module (channels 1 and 2)

"R" represents the right module (channels 3 and 4).

A text box indicates the status of the module calibration. The module calibration is NOT always required.  The color of the module calibration icon also shows the status of the module calibration.

Requirements for Module calibration vary between the Tektronix and Keysight instruments. In general, the Tektronix instruments rarely requires you to calibrate. The Keysight instruments require module calibration when any of the following are true:

Resistance Value - Allows you to enter the resistance value of your load. The default value is 50 ohms.

How to Perform a Module Calibration

  1. Enter the resistance value of your load in the Resistance Value text box if it varies from the current value.

  2. Click the L icon to start the module calibration.

  3. Follow the PLTS prompts to perform the module calibration for the left module. When the module calibration is complete, the L icon color changes to green.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to perform the Right module calibration.

The module calibration procedure is now complete and the module calibration factors are stored in the non-volatile memory in the modules.

CAUTION   If either of the module calibrations fail, you may still be able to complete the calibration and make a measurement. However, the accuracy of the measurement will be in doubt. It is recommended that you reattempt the module calibration before proceeding and correct the equipment problem, if there is one.

3. Connect Standards

This procedure does the following:

  1. Sets the reference plane at the end of the cables.

  2. Automatically de-skews the cables if differential measurements are selected.

  3. Performs normalization (if Normalization & Ref. Plane Calibration is selected) which removes cable loss, mismatch, and reflection errors.

Automatic De-Skewing

The icons that are displayed depend on the calibration and measurement parameters that are selected during the initial setup in Select the Calibration and Measurement Parameters. The following shows when each of these icons are displayed and which calibrations are required based on the selected parameters.

For all Icons the color indicates the state of completion:

Reflection Paths for Single-Ended, Differential-Mode, and Common-Mode Calibration Parameters



Selected Reflection Parameters


All single-ended TDR parameters.

Differential Mode

All TDR parameters having a differential stimulus (TDD11, TCD11, TDD22, TCD22)

Common Mode

All  TDR parameters having a common stimulus (TDC11,  TCC1, TDC22, TCC22)

Thru Paths Required by the Parameters Selected

The transmission parameters are calibrated using thru connections at the ends of the cables. Some of these thru path icons may not be displayed when you are performing a calibration. As with the reflection icons shown above, the icons that are displayed depend on the calibration and measurement parameters that are selected during the initial setup in Select the Calibration and Measurement Parameters. The following table also shows when each of these icons are displayed and which calibrations are required based on the selected parameters.

Thru Paths Icons Displayed on Wizard

Thru Paths

Single-Ended Parameters

Differential Parameters


T12 and T21



T13 and T31

TXX12 or TXX21, where XX is DD, DC, CD, or CC1


T14 and T41



T23 and T32



T24 and T42

TXX12 or TXX21, where XX is DD, DC, CD, or CC1


T34 and T43


1 When a differential parameter warrants the thru path calibration on either thru path 1 3 or 2 - 4, the calibration of the other thru path is required and is performed at the same time.

How to Connect Cal Standards to Perform the Calibration

Making a Measurement

The Measurement process includes:

  1. Connect the DUT  This step shows you how to connect your DUT to the PLTS.

  2. Select the initial displayed format of the measurement  This step guides you through selecting which of the ten analysis formats that the upcoming measurement will initially be displayed in. The measurement can be displayed in any of the 10 formats at any time.

  3. Modify the measurement stimulus and measured parameters  This optional step allows you to make last minute changes to the measurement stimulus dialog box and the measurement parameter dialog box. Only changes that will not require a recalibration may be made.

  4. Run the measurement  This step guides you through starting the measurement and displaying the data when the measurement is complete. It also directs you to save the measurement and points you to the chapters that will assist in your data analysis.

Connect the DUT

1. After saving the calibration data and selecting the Next > button, the Device connection scheme for TDR calibrations window is displayed. This wizard window shows how to connect your DUT to the TDR system to make the measurement. Connect the DUT to the TDR system as shown and then click the Next > button.

Select the Initial Displayed Format of the Measurement

1. The Hardware and Calibration Setup Wizard Complete window is displayed.

This window is the software location to select the one of ten analysis formats that the measurement will be displayed as initially. The analysis formats are:

  • Time Domain (Differential)

  •  Frequency Domain (Balanced)

  •  Eye Diagram (Differential)

  •  RLCG (Differential)

  •  RLCG (W-Element)

  • Time Domain (Single-Ended)

  •  Frequency Domain (Single-Ended)

  •  Eye Diagram (Single-Ended)

  •  RLCG (Common)

  •  RLCG (Self/Mutual)

Note: Your PLTS application may not include the optional RLCG analysis feature.


For the purpose of this example, the Time Domain (Differential) format icon is selected.

Modify the Measurement Stimulus and Measured Parameters

1. The Modify Measurement Stimulus button opens the Measurement Stimulus dialog box. This dialog box allows you to change some of the measurement stimulus settings that you set up previously.

Settings that would require a recalibration are not active and may not be changed in this dialog box. To change the stimulus settings that are inactive, you must click the < Back button until you get back to the window described in Set Up the TDR.

For the purpose of this example, leave the settings unchanged and click the OK button.

The Reset Values button resets any active values (any values that can be changed without requiring a recalibration) to their original default values prior to being changed in To Set Up the TDR.

The Cancel button resets any changes that were made after opening this dialog box.

Note: After the measurement has been made, you may verify these changes were made by printing a characterization report. See Characterization Report Generator for help.

2. Once you exit the Measurement Stimulus dialog box, the Select Measurement Parameters dialog box is displayed. The left side of the dialog box lists all 16 of the TDR single-ended measurements. As with the dialog box described in Select the Calibration and Measurement Parameters, the right side of the dialog box lists all 16 of the TDR differential measurements. Only the parameters for which the calibration is valid are active. You may select all of the active parameters or you may select a subset of these parameters. Selecting a subset of the parameters may save you some measurement time.

Note: Beginning with PLTS Rev 5.0, when ONLY Balanced parameters are measured, PLTS can recalculate the Single-Ended S-parameters if enough Balanced data is measured. To do this, Import the Balanced measurements, then Export the Single-Ended parameters.

To measure parameters that are inactive, you must click the < Back button until you get back to the window shown in Select the Calibration and Measurement Parameters and reselect the parameters. However, note that if you change the parameters in this window, you may be required to perform additional portions of the calibration.

For the purpose of this example, leave the parameters unchanged and click the OK button.

3. With the Hardware and Calibration Setup Wizard Complete window is displayed, select the Next > button to start the measurement.

Run the Measurement

1. The software displays the wizard's Measurement & Post-Processing Status window and starts the measurement and the measurement post-processing. The software makes each of the measurements. The status of the measurements and the post-processing is displayed in the status text area. The status may also be observed by watching the status bar at the right edge of the text area. As the measurements and the post-processing proceed, the color of the bar gradually changes to blue.

Once the post-processing is complete, click the Next > button to display the measurement results in the main PLTS window.

Analyzing the Measurement Results

Now that the measurement has been made, the main Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) window gives you the flexibility to perform analysis on the measured data in a variety of ways. Learn more.

CAUTION   To ensure the measurement data is not lost, save the measurement data by clicking File, then Save.