About Save/Recall

SaveData Method


Stores trace data to the following file types: *.prn, *.cti, *.csv, *.mdf   

To save snp files, use WriteSnpFileWithSpecifiedPorts

To save instrument state and calibration files, use Save.

This command replaces the following:

SaveCitiDataData Method

SaveCitiFormattedData Method

CitiContents Property

CitiFormat Property

Some saved files can be recalled using app.Recall. depending on the content.

 VB Syntax

app.SaveData filename,type,scope,format,selector


(Type) - Description


An Application (object)


(string) - Full path, file name, and extension of the file.

Files are typically stored in "c:\users\public\network analyzer\documents"

all other parameters

Choose from the following valid parameter combinations for ALL measurement classes:



Type of file to save

Click to learn about these file types:






"PRN Trace Data"



Measurement number

Example: app.SaveData "myData.prn","PRN Trace Data","Trace","Displayed",2

*.cti (unformatted)

"Citifile Data Data"

"Trace" or "Auto"


Measurement number

Example: app.SaveData "myData.cti","Citifile Data Data","AUTO","RI",3

*.cti (unformatted)

"Citifile Data Data"




Example: app.SaveData "myData.cti","Citifile Data Data","AUTO","RI",3

*.cti (formatted)

"Citifile Formatted Data"

"Trace" or "Auto"

"RI" or "MA" or "DB"

Measurement number

Example: app.SaveData "myData.cti","Citifile Formatted Data","AUTO","MA",3

*.cti (formatted)

"Citifile Formatted Data"


"RI" or "MA" or "DB" or "Displayed"


Example: app.SaveData "myData.cti","Citifile Formatted Data","DISPLAYED","MA",-1


"CSV Formatted Data"

"Trace" or "Auto"

"RI" or "MA" or "DB" or "Displayed"

Measurement number

Example: app.SaveData "myData.csv","CSV Formatted Data","Trace","DB",3


"CSV Formatted Data"


"RI" or "MA" or "DB"


Example: app.SaveData "myData.csv","CSV Formatted Data","displayed","RI",-1


"MDIF Data"

"Trace" or "Auto"

"RI" or "Displayed"

Measurement number

Example: app.SaveData "myData.mdf","MDIF Data","trace","displayed",1


"MDIF Data"


"RI" or "Displayed"


Example: app.SaveData "myData.mdf","MDIF Data","displayed","displayed",-1

Notes (for above file types)

Use meas.Number to read the measurement number of a trace.


"Trace" - specified measurement number only.

"Channel" - all measurements that are in the channel in which the selected measurement reside are saved.

"Displayed" - all displayed measurements.

"Auto" - for all Standard Meas Class (S-parameter) channels:

  • When correction is OFF, saves the specified trace

  • When correction is ON, saves all corrected parameters associated with the calibrated ports in the Cal Set.

"Auto" - for all other channels:

  • When correction is OFF or ON, saves the specified trace

The following parameter combinations save *.csv files in specific formats for GCA and Swept IMD classes:








GCA channels ONLY:

Learn more

"GCA Sweep Data"



GCA channel number

Example: app.SaveData "myData.csv","GCA Sweep Data","Auto","db",1

Swept IMD channels ONLY:

Learn more

"IMD Sweep Data"



Swept IMD channel number

Example: app.SaveData "myData.csv","IMD Sweep Data","Auto","db",1


Return Type

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

C++ Syntax

HRESULT SaveData(BSTR File, BSTR Type, BSTR Scope, BSTR Format, Long selector);

