Initiate Commands

Controls triggering signals

Click on a red keyword to view the command details.

See Also

INITiate:CONTinuous <boolean>

(Read-Write) Specifies whether the PNA trigger source is set to Internal (continuous) or Manual.




ON (or 1) - Internal (continuous) trigger.

OFF (or 0) - Manual sweep. Use INIT:IMMediate to send a trigger signal


initiate:continuous off

Query Syntax


Return Type

Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)




(Write-only) Stops the current sweeps and immediately sends a trigger. (Same as Trigger! on the PNA front panel).

  • This command requires Trigger:Source to be set to Manual. This causes ONE trigger signal to be SENT each time INIT:IMM is issued.

  • For SIMPLE, single-triggering of a single channel, use Sens:Sweep:Mode SINGle which sets the number of trigger signals each channel will ACCEPT (Continuous, Groups, Single, or HOLD - none.)

See the Example program:  Triggering the PNA using SCPI

Note: An SMC Fixed Output measurement cannot be triggered using this command. For more information, see the example program.

To trigger ALL channels in turn:

Set ALL channels to Sens<ch>:Sweep:Mode Continuous.  The <ch> argument in INIT<ch>:IMM is ignored.


  • TRIG:SCOP ALL triggers ALL channels (in sequence) each time Init:Imm is sent.

  • TRIG:SCOP CURRent triggers ONLY the NEXT channel each time Init:Imm is sent.

To trigger ONLY a specified channel:

  1. Set ALL channels to Sens<ch>:Sweep:Mode HOLD

  2. Send TRIG:SCOP CURRent

  3. Send Init<ch>:Imm where <ch> is the channel to be triggered.

Advanced   Situations that require some channels to be in CONT and others in HOLD are rare. The following describes the behavior of the Init:Imm command in these situations:

When Trigger:Scope = Global:

  • If the SPECIFIED <cnum> channel is in hold mode, it is put in single trigger (accepts 1 trigger signal) and goes to the end of the queue of channels to be triggered. The other 'non-hold' channels are triggered. The next Init:Imm triggers the specified channel first.

For example: ch1 is in Hold, ch2 and ch3 are in CONT and we send INIT1:IMM

    • On the first INIT:IMM, ch2 and ch3 is triggered.

    • next INIT:IMM, ch1, ch2, ch3 is triggered.

    • next INIT:IMM, ch2 and ch3 is triggered.

    • next INIT:IMM, ch1, ch2, ch3 is triggered, and so forth.

When Trigger:Scope = Channel

  • Only ONE channel is triggered for each issued INIT<ch>:IMM command.

  • If the specified channel is in hold, it is put in single trigger (accepts 1 trigger signal) and goes the end of the queue of channels to be triggered as in the 'Global' example.

This is one of the PNA overlapped commands. Learn more.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1



Query Syntax

Not applicable


Not applicable

Last modified:


Updated again with Single note

April 23, 2007

Updated Init:Imm