Create a Narrowband Point-in-Pulse Measurement using the PNA-X

The following SCPI example demonstrates how to create a Narrowband Point-in-Pulse measurement using the Pulsed Application DLL on the PNA-X.

It first gets valid configuration settings and then uses those settings to configure the PNA and internal pulsed generators.

To run this program, you need:

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as PulseProfile.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.

Note: Because of the long length of some commands in this example, word wrapping may occur when copying. These lines require modification after pasting.

See Also

//This example shows you how to perform point in pulse measurement based on

//PNA-X in narrowband mode using SCPI commands.

    public partial class Form1 : Form


   private object pna;

   private object scpi;

   private Type srvtype;

   private AgilentPNAPulsed.applicationClass pulseApp;

   public Form1()




   private string sendScpiCommand(string scpitext)


  object[] parameter = new object[1];

  parameter[0] = scpitext;

  return (string)srvtype.InvokeMember("parse", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, scpi, parameter);


   private void ConnectToPNA()


  srvtype = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("AgilentPNA835x.Application", true);

  pna = Activator.CreateInstance(srvtype);

  scpi = srvtype.InvokeMember("ScpiStringParser", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, pna, null);



   private void NBButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


  double dPRF = 10000, dBW = 500; //PRF=10kHz

  double dPhysicalIF = 0, dNCO = 0, dClockFreq = 0;

  System.Array aStage1TapArray = null, aStage2TapArray = null, aStage3TapArray = null;

  bool bFixedPRF = true;

  double dGateDelay = 0.000002, dGateWidth = 0.000005; //Gate width=50ns

  double dSWGateDelay = 0, dSWGateWidth = 0;

  int iSWGateRamp = 0;

  double dModPulseWidth = 0.00001;//10 us

  double dModPulseDelay = 0;//0us

  short myAtten = 0;

  pulseApp = new AgilentPNAPulsed.applicationClass();


  //Preset PNA-X


  //Measure S21


  sendScpiCommand("CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine:EXT /'MyMeas/',S21");

  sendScpiCommand("DISP:WIND:TRAC1:FEED /'MyMeas/'");

  //Set power leveling mode to Openloop

  sendScpiCommand("sour:pow1:alc:mode open");

  //Send desired pulsed parameters to the pulsed configuration DLL.

  //The DLL will return a new set of pulse parameters to send to the PNA-X.

  pulseApp.ConfigEnhancedNB2(ref dPRF, ref dBW, ref dPhysicalIF, ref dNCO, ref dClockFreq, ref aStage1TapArray,

ref aStage2TapArray, ref aStage3TapArray, bFixedPRF, dGateDelay, dGateWidth,

ref dSWGateDelay, ref dSWGateWidth, ref iSWGateRamp);

  double pulsePeriod = 1 / dPRF;

  //Pulse #1 as modulation source

  sendScpiCommand("sens:puls:per " + pulsePeriod.ToString()); // 100us

  //Set Pulse1 width

  sendScpiCommand("sens:puls1:width " + dModPulseWidth.ToString()); //10us

  //Set Pulse1 delay

  sendScpiCommand("sens:puls1:delay " + dModPulseDelay.ToString()); //10us   

  //Turn on Pulse1

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:PULS1:STAT 1");

  //Set modulation source to Pulse1

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"PulseModDrive/",/"Pulse1/"");

  //Enable pulse modulator 1

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"Src1Out1PulseModEnable/",/"Enable/"");

  //Pulse #2 controls receiver gate

  sendScpiCommand("sens:puls2:width " + dGateWidth.ToString()); //50ns

  sendScpiCommand("sens:puls2:delay " + dGateDelay.ToString()); //0  

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:PULS2:STAT 1");

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"IFGateA/",/"Pulse2/"");

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"IFGateB/",/"Pulse2/"");

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"IFGateR1/",/"Pulse2/"");

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"IFGateR2/",/"Pulse2/"");

  //Set IFBW

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:BWID " + dBW.ToString());

  //Configure IF path

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"IFSigPathAll/",/"NBF/"");

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:AUTO 0");

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FREQ:AUTO 0");

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FREQ " + dPhysicalIF.ToString());

  // Set filter stages based on pulse parameters

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAGe1:FREQ " + dNCO.ToString());

  //Convert Stage1TapArray to string

  string buf1 = new string(' ', 1000);

  for (int i = 0; i < aStage1TapArray.GetLength(0); i++)


 buf1 = buf1 + aStage1TapArray.GetValue(i).ToString() + ",";


  buf1 = buf1.Trim();

  buf1 = buf1.Substring(0, buf1.Length - 1);

  //Convert Stage1TapArray to string

  string buf2 = new string(' ', 1000);

  for (int j = 0; j < aStage2TapArray.GetLength(0); j++)


 buf2 = buf2 + aStage2TapArray.GetValue(j).ToString() + ",";


  buf2 = buf2.Trim();

  buf2 = buf2.Substring(0, buf2.Length - 1);

  //Set IF Filter Stage1 and Stage2 Coeficent

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAG1:COEF " + buf1);

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAG2:COEF " + buf2);

  if (dSWGateWidth == 0) // No valid SW gate


 sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAG3:TYPE 'RECT'");

 sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAGe3:PAR 'C'," + aStage3TapArray.GetValue(0).ToString());

 sendScpiCommand("SENS:PULS0:STAT 0");




 sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAGe3:TYPE 'PWIN'");

 sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAGe3:PAR 'C'," + aStage3TapArray.GetValue(0).ToString());

 sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAGe3:PAR 'P'," + pulsePeriod.ToString());

 sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAGe3:PAR 'D'," + dSWGateDelay.ToString());

 sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAGe3:PAR 'W'," + dSWGateWidth.ToString());

 sendScpiCommand("SENS:IF:FILT:STAGe3:PAR 'R'," + iSWGateRamp.ToString());

 double pulse0Width = 1 / dClockFreq;

 sendScpiCommand("sens:puls0:width " + pulse0Width.ToString());

 sendScpiCommand("sens:puls0:delay 0");

 sendScpiCommand("SENS:PULS0:STAT 1");


  pulseApp.ConfigEnhancedNBIFAtten(dPRF, dGateWidth, ref myAtten);

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"NBFATNA/",/"" + myAtten.ToString() + "/"");

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"NBFATNB/",/"" + myAtten.ToString() + "/"");

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"NBFATNR1/",/"" + myAtten.ToString() + "/"");

  sendScpiCommand("sens:path:conf:elem /"NBFATNR2/",/"" + myAtten.ToString() + "/"");

  //Set start and stop frequency

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:FREQ:STAR 1000000000");

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:FREQ:STOP 2000000000");

  //Single Sweep

  sendScpiCommand("SENS:SWE:MODE SING");


