Dynamic Uncertainty

This example does the following in separate subprograms:

The SCPI commands in this example are sent over a COM interface using the SCPIStringParser object. You do NOT need a GPIB connection to run this example.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file, such as Notepad, and save it on the PNA hard drive as *.vbs.

See Also

Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See all Dynamic Uncertainty commands

Learn about Dynamic Uncertainty (Option 015)

See Other SCPI Example Programs

Dim app

Dim scpi

' Create / Get the PNA application.

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser

'Preset the analyzer

scpi.Parse "SYST:PRESet"








' Setup Uncertainty Workspace


Sub SetupWorkspace

cableCatalog = scpi.Parse("SYSTem:UNCertainty:CABLe:CATalog?")

' Strip the leading and trailing quotation

' marks from the catalog string

cableCatalog = Mid(cableCatalog, 2, Len(cableCatalog) - 3)

' Tokenize the comma-delimited list string

' into an array of the individual substrings

cables = Split(cableCatalog, ",")

' Re-assemble the cable list into one string delimited by linefeed characters

cableCatalog = ""

For i = 0 To UBound(cables)

    cableCatalog = cableCatalog & cables(i) & Chr(10)

   ' Uncomment the following line to reset (clear) repeatability data for the cable

   'scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:CABLe:REPeat:RESet '" & cables(i) & "'"


MsgBox "Cables:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & cableCatalog

portCatalog = scpi.Parse("SOURce:CATalog?")

' Strip the leading and trailing quotation

' marks from the catalog string

portCatalog = Mid(portCatalog, 2, Len(portCatalog) - 3)

' Tokenize the comma-delimited list string

' into an array of the individual substrings

ports = Split(portCatalog, ",")

portCatalog = ""

For i = 0 To UBound(ports)

    portNum = i + 1

    ' Ensuring we only count the actual testports and not any source-only ports like external sources

    If (ports(i) = "Port " & CStr(portNum)) Then

        cable = scpi.Parse("SYSTem:UNCertainty:PORT" & CStr(portNum) & ":CABLe:SELect?")

        portCatalog = portCatalog & ports(i) & ": " & cable & Chr(10)

        ' Uncomment the following line to reset (clear) noise data for the port

        'scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:PORT" & CStr(portNum) & ":NOISe:RESet"

    End If


MsgBox "Port Cables:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & portCatalog

' Uncomment the following line to select the particular cable for all ports

'scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:PORT:CABLe:ALL:SELect '" & cables(0) & "'"

' Uncomment the following line to copy the noise data for Port 1 to be used for all ports

'scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:PORT:NOISe:ALL:COPY 1"

' Uncomment the following line to reset (clear) the noise data for all ports

'scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:PORT:NOISe:ALL:RESet"

' The next lines toggle uncertainty manager properties on

scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:ETERm:NOISe:ENABle ON"

MsgBox "Noise enabled for cals = " & scpi.Parse("SYSTem:UNCertainty:ETERm:NOISe:ENABle?")

scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:ETERm:CABle:REPeat:ENABle ON"

MsgBox "Cable repeatability enabled for cals = " & scpi.Parse("SYSTem:UNCertainty:ETERm:CABle:REPeat:ENABle?")

scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:ETERm:SDEFinitions:ENABle ON"

MsgBox "Standards definition uncertainties enabled for cals = " & scpi.Parse("SYSTem:UNCertainty:ETERm:SDEFinitions:ENABle?")

' Uncomment the following line to change the max number of uncertainty points for cals to be 500

'scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:POINts:MAXimum 500"

MsgBox "Max number of uncertainty points for cals = " & scpi.Parse("SYSTem:UNCertainty:POINts:MAXimum?")

' Perform a Save of the currently loaded uncertainty workspace ('.ml4') file

scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:STORe"

' Uncomment the following line to save the currently loaded uncertainty workspace to a specific ('.ml4') filename

'scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:STORe 'myUncertaintyWorkspace.ml4'"

' Uncomment the following line to recall the uncertainty workspace ('.ml4') file that we just saved

'scpi.Parse "SYSTem:UNCertainty:LOAD 'myUncertaintyWorkspace.ml4'"

End Sub


' Measure the steps of a cable characterization,

' noise characterization, or a calibration.

Sub MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal(isNoiseCharacterization, numSteps)

Dim retVal

Dim opc

For i = 1 To numSteps

    step = "Step " + CStr(i) + " of " + CStr(numSteps)

    ' A "connection adjustment" means the user has to change something about the connection,

    ' such as wiggling cable and re-connecting standard during a repeatability characterization,

    ' or to move the slide position of a sliding load if a connection step in a calibration

    ' were to involve a sliding load.

    If isNoiseCharacterization = False Then

        numConnectionAdjustmentsPerStep = scpi.Parse("sens1:corr:coll:guid:iter:min? " + CStr(i))

    Else ' noise characterization

        ' in this case, "iterations" are just repetitive measurements, not re-adjust/re-measure the standard

        numConnectionAdjustmentsPerStep = 1

    End If

    For j = 1 To numConnectionAdjustmentsPerStep

        strPrompt = scpi.Parse("sens1:corr:coll:guid:desc? " + CStr(i))

        retVal = MsgBox(strPrompt, vbOKCancel, step)

        If retVal = vbCancel Then WScript.Quit

        opc = scpi.Parse("sens1:corr:coll:guid:acq STAN" + CStr(i) + ";*OPC?")



scpi.Parse "sens1:corr:coll:guid:save"

End Sub

Function FormatList(list)

Dim tokens

' Strip the leading and trailing quotation

' marks from the list string

list = Mid(list, 2, Len(list) - 3)

' Tokenize the comma-delimited list string

' into an array of the individual substrings

tokens = Split(list, ",")

' Using Trim to remove leading and trailing spaces.

For i = 0 To UBound(tokens)

tokens(i) = Trim(tokens(i))


FormatList = tokens

End Function


' Performing a NON-UNCERTAINTY Guided 2-port cal (Ports 1 and 2)

Sub TwoPortGuidedCal

Dim connList

Dim connIndex1, connIndex2

Dim kitList

Dim kitIndex

Dim message

Dim formattedConnListStr

message = "A non-uncertainty 2-port calibration will now be performed, "

message = message & "because a calibration is needed for characterizing the cables"

MsgBox message

' Query the list of connectors that the PNA system recognizes

connList = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:cat?")

' Turn the list from comma-delimited string into an array of strings

connList = FormatList(connList)

message = "Enter the index number (from this list) of your DUT connector for Port 1:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10)

' Note: the array's indexing is 0-based but the numbering is being presented in the InputBox as 1-based

For i = 0 To UBound(connList)

   formattedConnListStr = formattedConnListStr & Chr(9) & CStr(i+1) + ") " & connList(i) & Chr(10)


connIndex1 = InputBox(message & formattedConnListStr)

If connIndex1 = "" Then WScript.Quit

' Convert number from String to Long and from 1-based index to 0-based

connIndex1 = CLng(connIndex1) - 1

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port1 '" & connList(connIndex1) & "'"

message = "Enter the index number (from this same list again) of your DUT connector for Port 2:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10)

connIndex2 = InputBox(message & formattedConnListStr)

If connIndex2 = "" Then WScript.Quit

' Convert number from String to Long and from 1-based index to 0-based

connIndex2 = CLng(connIndex2) - 1

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port2 '" & connList(connIndex2) & "'"

' Note: If your PNA has more than 2 ports, then uncomment

' one or both of these next two lines.

'scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port3 ""Not used"" "

'scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port4 ""Not used"" "


' This next block of commented code demonstrates how to specify an adapter

' and it's electrical delay, in situations where you are performing an

' Unknown Thru or Adapter Removal calibration.  In most situations, the

' PNA is able to correctly determine an adapter's electrical length

' at the end of the calibration.  However, there are scenarios where

' the PNA cannot correctly calculate the length -- such as when the channel

' has a relatively small number of measurement points (for example, 201 or less)

' and the adapter is significantly long (for example, a cable that is several feet).

' In these cases, the ADAP commands (below) enable you to explicitly specify

' the adapter you are using.

' Send these commands prior to the "sens:corr:coll:guid:init" command.

' Create adapter and return the adapter number

'adapterNum = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:adap:cre? '" & connList(connIndex1) & "','"& connList(connIndex2) & "'")

' The adapterNum string contains a '+' character.  

' Here we convert to integer to remove that.

'adapterNum = CStr( CInt(adapterNum) )

' Specify that this adapter has 10 nanoseconds electrical delay (coaxial).

'scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:adap" & adapterNum & ":del 10E-9"

' Text description of adapter

'scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:adap" & adapterNum & ":desc 'My adapter'"

' Select to use this adapter specifically between ports 1 and 2

'scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:adap" & adapterNum & ":path 1,2"

' End of adapter block


' Query the list of acceptable cal kits and

' ECal module characterizations for Port 1.

kitList = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:cat? '" & connList(connIndex1) & "'")

' Turn the list from a comma-delimited string into an array

kitList = FormatList(kitList)

' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module characterization to use for Port 1.

message = "Enter the index number (from this list) of your cal kit or ECal module characterization for Port 1:"

message = message & Chr(10) & Chr(10)

For i = 0 To UBound(kitList)

   message = message & Chr(9) & CStr(i+1) + ") " & kitList(i) & Chr(10)


kitIndex = InputBox(message)

If kitIndex = "" Then WScript.Quit

' Convert number from String to Long and from 1-based index to 0-based

kitIndex = CLng(kitIndex) - 1

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port1 '" & kitList(kitIndex) & "'"

' Query the list of acceptable cal kits

' and ECal module characterizations for Port 2.

kitList = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:cat? '" & connList(connIndex2) & "'")

' Turn the list from a comma-delimited string into an array

kitList = FormatList(kitList)

' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module characterization to use for Port 2.

message = "Enter the index number (from this list) of your cal kit or ECal module characterization for Port 2:"

message = message & Chr(10) & Chr(10)

For i = 0 To UBound(kitList)

   message = message & Chr(9) & CStr(i+1) + ") " & kitList(i) & Chr(10)


kitIndex = InputBox(message)

If kitIndex = "" Then WScript.Quit

' Convert number from String to Long and from 1-based index to 0-based

kitIndex = CLng(kitIndex) - 1

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 '" & kitList(kitIndex) & "'"

' This determines whether the cal will be a "Guided Power Cal"

' or just a traditional S-parameter cal.

message = "On which port number shall power be measured?  "

message = message & "For a traditional guided cal without power cal, enter 0"

Dim powerPort

powerPort = CInt( InputBox(message) )

If powerPort > 0 Then

scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:psen" & CStr(powerPort) & ":stat on")

Dim retVal

retVal = MsgBox("Is the power sensor's connector type or gender different from the DUT connector for that port?", vbYesNo)

If retVal = vbYes Then

message = "Enter the index number of your power sensor's connector.  Choose from this list:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10)

' Select the sensor's connector.

connIndex1 = InputBox(message & formattedConnListStr)

If connIndex1 = "" Then WScript.Quit

connIndex1 = CLng(connIndex1) - 1

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:psen" & CStr(powerPort) & ":conn '" & connList(connIndex1) & "'"

' Query the list of acceptable cal kits and ECal module characterizations

' that are applicable for the sensor's connector.

kitList = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:cat? '" & connList(connIndex1) & "'")

' Turn the list from comma-delimited string into an array of strings

kitList = FormatList(kitList)

' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module characterization to use for de-embed of the sensor's connector.

message = "Enter index number of your cal kit or ECal module characterization to use for de-embed of the sensor's connector.  "

message = message & "Choose from this list:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10)

For i = 0 To UBound(kitList)

   message = message & Chr(9) & CStr(i+1) + ") " & kitList(i) & Chr(10)


kitIndex = InputBox(message)

If kitIndex = "" Then WScript.Quit

kitIndex = CLng(kitIndex) - 1

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:psen" & CStr(powerPort) & ":ckit '" & kitList(kitIndex) & "'"


scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:psen" & CStr(powerPort) & ":conn 'Ignored'")

End If ' End of block that considers the sensor's connector

' Ask for the power level to perform the power cal at

' (if this command is omitted, the default is 0 dBm).

Dim powerLevel

powerLevel = InputBox("Enter the power level for the power cal to be performed at")

If powerLevel = "" Then Exit Sub

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:psen" & CStr(powerPort) & ":pow:lev " & powerLevel


scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:psen1:stat off")

End If ' End of block that considers if the cal will include power calibration


' This next block of commented code

' shows optional functions when using ECal.

' Send these "sens:corr:pref" commands prior to the

' "sens:corr:coll:guid:init" command.

' Read ECAL information from ECal module #1 on the USB bus

' about the Keysight factory characterization data

'module1Info = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:ckit:inf? ECAL1,CHAR0")

'MsgBox "Description of ECal Module #1:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & module1Info


' The following command enables auto orientation of

' the ECal module (The PNA senses which port of the

' module is connected to which port of the PNA).

'scpi.Execute "sens:corr:pref:ecal:ori ON"

' However, if you are measuring at very low power levels where

' the PNA may fail to sense the module's orientation, then turn auto

' orientation OFF and specify how the module is connected.

' "A1,B2" indicates Port A of the module is connected

' to PNA Port 1 and Port B is connected to PNA Port 2).

'scpi.Execute "sens:corr:pref:ecal:ori OFF"

'scpi.Execute "sens:corr:pref:ecal:pmap ECAL1,'A1,B2'"

' End of optional ECal setup


' Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:init"

numCalSteps = CLng(scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:steps?"))

MsgBox "Number of steps is " + CStr(numCalSteps)

' Measure the standards and conclude the cal

MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal False, numCalSteps

MsgBox "The cal needed for the cable repeatability characterizations is done"

End Sub


' Perform Cable Characterization

Sub PerformCableChar

' Select/activate the default (S11) measurement that should still

' be present since a Preset preceded this subroutine

scpi.Parse "CALC1:PAR:SEL 'CH1_S11_1'"

' Ensure the previously-performed calibration is turned on for that selected measurement

scpi.Parse "CALC1:CORR ON"

' Initiate repeatability characterizations on Channel 1 for Ports 1 and 2, with 3

' iterative measurements of each standard (normally users should specify more than 3

' iterations per standard but it just makes this example speedier)

Dim numRequestedIterations

numRequestedIterations = 3

' Begin characterization for port 1

scpi.Parse "sens1:corr:coll:guid:unc:char:cable 1, " + CStr(numRequestedIterations)

Dim numCharSteps

' Query the number of connection steps

numCharSteps = CLng(scpi.Parse("sens1:corr:coll:guid:steps?"))

message = "Now to characterize the cable currently associated with port 1.  "

message = message & "Number of standard steps for characterizing port 1 cable = " & numCharSteps

MsgBox message

MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal False, numCharSteps

MsgBox "Cable characterization for port 1 is done"

' Begin characterization for port 2

scpi.Parse "sens1:corr:coll:guid:unc:char:cable 2, " + CStr(numRequestedIterations)

' Query the number of connection steps

numCharSteps = CLng(scpi.Parse("sens1:corr:coll:guid:steps?"))

message = "Now to characterize the cable currently associated with port 2.  "

message = message & "Number of standard steps for characterizing port 2 cable = " & numCharSteps

MsgBox message

MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal False, numCharSteps

MsgBox "Cable characterization for port 2 is done"

End Sub


'Perform Noise Characterization

Sub PerformNoiseChar

' Initiate noise characterization on Channel 1 for Ports 1 and 2, with 3 iterative

' measurements of each standard (normally users should specify more than 3 iterations

' per standard but it just makes this example speedier)

scpi.Parse "sens1:corr:coll:guid:unc:char:noise 1, 2, 3"

Dim numCharSteps

' Query the number of connection steps

numCharSteps = CLng(scpi.Parse("sens1:corr:coll:guid:steps?"))

message = "Now to characterize the system noise for ports 1 and 2.  "

message = message & "Number of connection steps to be made = " & numCharSteps

MsgBox message

MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal True, numCharSteps

MsgBox "Noise characterization is done"

End Sub



'Perform 2-port Uncertainty Calibration (Ports 1 and 2) on Channel 1

Sub TwoPortUncertCal

Dim kitList

Dim kitIndex

Dim message

' Specify this calibration is to be performed with uncertainties.

scpi.Parse "sens1:corr:coll:guid:UNCertainty:ENABle ON"

' Query the list of uncertainty cal kits and

' ECal module factory characterizations applicable for the port cable connector.

kitList = scpi.Parse("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port1:cat?")

' Turn the list from comma-delimited string into an array of strings

kitList = FormatList(kitList)

message = "Now to perform an uncertainty calibration for ports 1 and 2.  "

message = message & "Enter the index number (from this list) of your cal kit or ECal module to use:"

message = message & Chr(10) & Chr(10)

' Note: the array's indexing is 0-based but the numbering is being presented in the InputBox as 1-based

For i = 0 To UBound(kitList)

   message = message & Chr(9) & CStr(i+1) + ") " & kitList(i) & Chr(10)


' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module to use for both ports.

' If the selected kit does not have a suitable set of standards

' that can mate the connector of the cable attached to Port 2,

' then the attempt to INIT the cal should yield an applicable error message.

kitIndex = InputBox(message)

If kitIndex = "" Then WScript.Quit

' Convert from String to Long and from 1-based index to 0-based

kitIndex = CLng(kitIndex) - 1

scpi.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port1 '" & kitList(kitIndex) & "'"

scpi.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 '" & kitList(kitIndex) & "'"

' Note: If your PNA has more than 2 ports, then uncomment

' one or both of these next two lines just in case this channel

' may have had a remote non-Uncert cal performed prior that

' involving port 3 and/or 4.

'scpi.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port3 """" "

'scpi.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port4 """" "


' This next block of commented code

' shows optional functions when using ECal.

' Send these "sens:corr:pref" commands prior to the

' "sens:corr:coll:guid:init" command.

' Read ECAL information from ECal module #1 on the USB bus

' about the factory characterization data

'module1Info = scpi.Parse("sens:corr:coll:ckit:inf? ECAL1,CHAR0")

'MsgBox "Description of ECal Module #1:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & module1Info


' The following command enables auto orientation of

' the ECal module (The PNA senses which port of the

' module is connected to which port of the PNA).

'scpi.Parse "sens:corr:pref:ecal:ori ON"

' However, if you are measuring at very low power levels where

' the PNA may fail to sense the module's orientation, then turn auto

' orientation OFF and specify how the module is connected.

' "A1,B2" indicates Port A of the module is connected

' to PNA Port 1 and Port B is connected to PNA Port 2).

'scpi.Parse "sens:corr:pref:ecal:ori OFF"

'scpi.Parse "sens:corr:pref:ecal:pmap ECAL1,'A1,B2'"

' End of optional ECal setup

' Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps

scpi.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:init"

numCalSteps = scpi.Parse("sens:corr:coll:guid:steps?")

MsgBox "Number of steps is " + CStr(numCalSteps)

' Measure the standards and conclude the cal

MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal False, numCalSteps

MsgBox "Cal is done"

End Sub


'Make Uncertainty Trace Settings

Sub MakeTraceSettings

' Note: normally you would first ensure your active measurement is an S-parameter channel

' measurement before this point, and that the channel has an uncertainty cal to be

' able to turn on uncertainty display, but as the TwoPortUncertCal subroutine has

' executed right before this one, that is already ensured.

chanNum = CInt(scpi.Parse("SYSTem:ACTive:CHANnel?"))

If (chanNum = 0) Then

   MsgBox "No active channel"


End If

activeMeasName = scpi.Parse("SYSTem:ACTive:MEASurement?")

scpi.Parse "CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":PARameter:SELect " & activeMeasName

MsgBox "Uncertainty Display Type = " & scpi.Parse("CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:DISPlay:TYPE?")

On Error Resume Next

scpi.Parse "CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:DISPlay:TYPE SHADe"

If Err.Number <> 0 Then

   MsgBox Err.Description



   MsgBox "Uncertainty Display Type = " & scpi.Parse("CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:DISPlay:TYPE?")

End If

On Error GoTo 0

MsgBox "CoverageFactor = " & scpi.Parse("CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:DISPlay:CFACtor?")

' Uncomment the following line to try setting the CoverageFactor = 3

'scpi.Parse "CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:DISPlay:CFACtor 3"

scpi.Parse "CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:CABLe:REPeat OFF"

MsgBox "Cable Repeatability Uncertainty state = " & scpi.Parse("CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:CABLe:REPeat?")

scpi.Parse "CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:CABLe:REPeat ON"

MsgBox "Cable Repeatability Uncertainty state = " & scpi.Parse("CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:CABLe:REPeat?")

scpi.Parse "CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:NOISe OFF"

MsgBox "Measurement Noise Uncertainty state = " & scpi.Parse("CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:NOISe?")

scpi.Parse "CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:NOISe ON"

MsgBox "Measurement Noise Uncertainty state = " & scpi.Parse("CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:NOISe?")

scpi.Parse "CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:ETERm OFF"

MsgBox "Error Term Uncertainty state = " & scpi.Parse("CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:ETERm?")

scpi.Parse "CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:ETERm ON"

MsgBox "Error Term Uncertainty state = " & scpi.Parse("CALCulate" & CStr(chanNum) & ":UNCertainty:MODE:ETERm?")

End Sub