HDD/SSD revision is based upon a number of factors such as windows OS and driver upgrade patch which are installed at the factory shipment. Firmware revision denotes E5061B measurement software. To know about the E5061B HDD/SSD revision, refer to Checking the product information. ELxxx is shipped only with E5061B option 3L5. KYxxx is shipped with both E5061B options 3L5 and 115/135/117/137/215/235/217/237. KWxxx is shipped with windows 7. YFxxx is shipped with windows 10.
Other topics about Revision History
Supports 2nd Generation CPU module.
No functionally change
No functionally change
Keysight rebranding
Windows Embedded Standard 7
Windows initial registration procedure is changed.
No functionally change
Windows License is changed from Windows Vista Business to Windows XP Pro for Embedded Systems (Windows task bar is not displayed).
System Recovery procedure is changed.
LXI is changed to version 1.3.
Internet Explore is changed to version 8 .
Windows Media Player is changed to version 11.
No functionally change
The E5061 Network Analyzer Service in Windows Firewall is on at factory shipment
This revision is for DEMO unit only.