Configuring the Waveform Setup View

Select a Predefined Carrier Configuration

  1. In the Closedtree view, select Waveform Setup.

  2. Click the predefined carrier configuration Closedsetup button, located above the summary table.

  3. From the Closeddialog box that appears, select a multiple carrier configuration.

    Notice that you have five downlink selections (single carrier to four carriers) and a single uplink carrier selection. The selected predefined configuration appears in the carrier configuration summary Closedtable. You can change the predefined configuration for a carrier from the Carrier and Channel Setup Closedtree view selections.

    In this example a four carrier downlink configuration was selected.

If you select another predefined carrier setup, it replaces all carriers showing in the configuration summary table.

Add a Carrier

You have the option of adding either a downlink or uplink carrier to the current carrier selection showing in the configuration summary table. This process assumes that a multicarrier configuration appears in the configuration summary table as performed in the previous procedure "Select a Predefined Carrier Configuration."

  1. In the configuration summary table, highlight the second carrier.

  2. Click the add new carrier Closedbutton.

  3. Select either an uplink or downlink carrier from the drop-down menu.

    Notice that the software adds the new carrier above the highlighted carrier. The new carrier's channel configuration is different from the channel configuration for the carriers selected in the predefined carrier setup button.

Delete a Carrier

The software provides the convenience of deleting a single carrier or multiple carriers.

  1. In the configuration summary table, highlight the carrier or carriers that require deletion.

    To select multiple carriers, use the keyboard Shift key operation to select carriers in succession (a group) or the Ctrl key to select multiple individual carriers.

  2. Click the delete Closedbutton above the configuration summary table.

Waveform Attributes

It is best to configure these parameters after setting the channel and carrier parameters, since they determine the waveform length, which also determines the maximum number of usable marker points for a waveform.

  1. Enter general information about the waveform

  2. Optionally configure the waveform's markers.

    1. Select the marker number (Marker x Source cells).

    2. Click on the more detailClosedicon located at the far right of the Marker x Source row.

    3. Configure the marker in the Marker Source Selection dialog box that appears.

    The signal generator outputs a marker signal from the rear-panel EVENT 1-4 outputs based on the marker bit settings. The EVENT output number corresponds to the Marker x Source marker number. For example, Marker 1 Source causes the signal generator to output a marker signal on the EVENT 1 output. For more information on markers and the rear panel EVENT outputs, see the signal generator's User Guide.

Waveform Setup

Waveform Graph

CCDF Graph

Marker Selection Dialog Box

Configuring the Carrier View

Configuring the Channel Setup View