Configuring the Channel Setup View

In this view, the configuration summary table differs from the Waveform and Carrier view. The table changes from a Closedcarrier summary to a Closedchannel summary. In addition, two of the buttons above the table change from selecting predefined carriers and adding new carriers to selecting predefined channel setups and adding new channels.

Change the Channel Configuration

Only perform this procedure if you want to change to another predefined channel setup.

When you select another predefined channel setup, it replaces all of the channels showing in the configuration summary table for the current carrier. This causes the loss of any previously configured channel settings.

  1. Click the predefined channel Closedconfiguration button.

  2. From the Closeddialog box, select the desired predefined channel setup.

    Notice that the new channel configuration appears in the channel configuration summary table..

Add a Channel

The software places the new channel just above the channel highlighted in the configuration summary table. For some of the channel selections, you are also given a selection of data rates. You can modify this data rate after the channel selection by using the Rate cell in the channel property pane.

  1. In the channel configuration summary table, select a channel.

  2. Click the add new channel Closedbutton.

  3. From the drop-down menu, select a channel to add.



    The new channel appears above the highlighted channel.

Delete a Channel

The software provides the convenience of deleting a single channel or multiple channels.

  1. In the configuration summary table, select the channel or channels that require deletion.

    To select multiple channels, use the keyboard Shift key operation to select channels in succession (a group) or the Ctrl key to select multiple individual channels.

  2. Click the delete Closedbutton above the configuration summary table.

Configure or Modify Channel Parameters

  1. Select Tools > Status Window.

    Having the status window open provides greater visibility to errors. Error messages appear in two places: in the status bar at the bottom of the UI, and in the status window. In the status window, they appear with a large red dot, which helps to alert you to an error. The status window also lists all uncorrected errors, whereas the status bar only shows the most recent uncorrected error.

  2. In the channel configuration summary table, select a channel .

  3. Select a cell in the property pane.

  4. Configure the channel parameter for either downlink or uplink as dictated by the carrier type (downlink or uplink).

    To set a TFCI pattern, you must first enable TFCI in the carrier view. Each carrier setting is independent of the other carriers, so you must enable the TFCI field for each carrier (downlink and uplink) that require a TFCI pattern.

Channel Setup - Downlink

Channel Setup - Uplink

CCDF Graph

CDP Graph

Configuring the Carrier View

Configuring the Waveform Setup View