Use this cell to select the WLAN 802.11 standard to be used for waveform generation. You can select the standard only for carrier 0 (main). The standard for the other carriers is automatically set to the same standard as carrier 0.
Choices: 5 MHz | 10 MHz | 20 MHz
Default: 20 MHz
Use this cell to select the bandwidth for 802.11j/p. The 5-MHz bandwidth selection is only available when you have upgraded the software capability to Option Hxx, which includes both Advanced 802.11a/b/g/j/p and Advanced 802.11n.
Use this cell to set the number of frames to be used in the waveform. Choosing a value greater than one causes the creation of multiple frames containing continuous data payloads. The data payload is defined using the Data Type and Data Length fields within the Payload Configuration menu.
Use this cell to select the framed or unframed mode to generate a signal. A framed signal is needed in receiver tests; an unframed signal is useful in component tests or other instances where continuous, non-bursted modulation of unframed data is desired.
Use this cell to set the length (in microseconds) of the idle time between frames. This is relevant only in framed mode. No signal is transmitted during the idle interval, but the MAC layer operates as if a signal is being transmitted.
You can set the idle interval only on carrier 0 (main). On the other carriers, it is automatically set to 0 since the generation mode for these carriers is unframed.
Use this cell to set the frequency offset relative to the output frequency on the signal generator.
Use this cell to set the desired power in dB relative to carrier 0 (main) power. Accepted values are +50 dB to -10 dB, in 0.01 dB steps. This is relevant only for carriers other than carrier 0 (main). The power of carrier 0 (main) is automatically set to 0 dB.