This section enables you to configure the payload data source, the MAC header, set the length and type of payload data, and choose to have an FCS added to the packet.
This cell displays the total number of bytes in a physical layer frame before coding and modulation, including the data, MAC header, and MAC FCS. You cannot edit this cell.
Use this cell to select the payload data source. The user data of the frame can contain the following data:
All 0s
The user file must be in binary form. The least significant bit (LSB) of the first byte in the user data file will be the first bit of the user payload; the LSB of the second byte in the user file will be the ninth bit of the user payload, and so on. If User file is selected as the Data Type, the value displayed in the Data Length field will be equal to the length of the user's data file, up to the maximum data length.
Range: 0 to 511
Default: 511
Coupling: Invisible without option N7617C-H
Specify a seed in decimal format to generate a PN9 data sequence. The LSB of the seed comes out first. For example, if you enter a seed value of 10 (1010 in binary), the first 9 bits of the PN9 sequence are 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0, with an increasing index from left to right. For more information, see PN Sequence Generation.
Range: 0 to 32767
Default: 32767
Coupling: Invisible without option N7617B-H
Specify a seed in decimal format to generate a PN15 data sequence. The LSB of the seed comes out first. For example, if you enter a seed value of 10 (1010 in binary), the first 15 bits of the PN15 sequence are 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, with an increasing index from left to right. For more information, see PN Sequence Generation.
Click the button in this cell to select a user file
as the data source.
This cell displays the number of data bytes in the user file when it is selected as the payload data source.
Use this cell to set the number of data bytes in a frame. The range is 0 to 4095 for both DSSS and OFDM (minus the length of the MAC header and FCS, if they are enabled).
User data longer than the maximum data length will be truncated.
Click the button on this cell to open the MacHeaderDialog
(see the dialogs below), which enables or disables pre-pending the MAC
header to the data payload. You can select General, RTS, or CTS MAC frame
format by clicking the down arrow in the top right corner of the MacHeaderDialog.
You can set the desired data in each of the individual fields for each
format. You can also disable these fields if the data is no longer desired
by clearing the Mac Header (hex) checkbox.
Use this cell to enable or disable appending the MAC FCS to the data payload. The FCS is automatically calculated by the software if this cell is enabled. Note: When the MAC header is not selected, then the FCS is applied to just the payload.
This cell is adjustable only for the Advanced Capability. In the Basic Capability, it is automatically set to OFF.
Use this cell to enable or disable incrementing
the Sequence Number within the Sequence
Control field
in the MAC Header. When it is turned ON, the Sequence Number increments
by one after each user-specified interval of new frames. For an example
of how incrementation works, see Incrementing Sequence and Fragment Numbers.
The number of frames you set in this cell determines when the Sequence Number within the Sequence Control field in the MAC Header is incremented. For an example of how incrementation works, see Incrementing Sequence and Fragment Numbers.
This cell is only applicable for the Advanced Capability.
Use this cell to enable or disable incrementing the Fragment Number
within the Sequence Control field
in the MAC Header. When it is turned ON, the Fragment Number increments
by one after every assignment of a new frame. This field uses the Increment
Sequence Number by: (Frame) value as the upper limit. When the upper limit
is reached, incrementation wraps back to zero. For an example of how incrementation
works, see Incrementing Sequence and Fragment Numbers.