PAM-N Analysis Software


The PAM feature enables FlexDCA to perform electrical and optical measurements on Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM4) waveforms. In Eye/Mask mode, perform measurements such as:

  • Eye-centric measurements:
    • Level
    • Skew
    • Eye height
    • Eye width
  • Level-centric measurements:
    • Mean level (voltage or power)
    • Thickness (rms and p-p)
    • Skew

In Oscilloscope mode, you can analyze pattern waveforms including linearity and PRBS patterns:

  • Level
  • Noise
  • Linearity

In addition, PAM4 signals can be selected for simulated modules.

When the legacy PAM license is installed, the following legacy licenses add PAM4 compatibility. (PAM4 compatibility is included in the Research and Development and Manufacturing package licenses.

  • Legacy license 200/300. Jitter and amplitude analysis (Jitter mode) for PAM4 waveforms with IEEE JP03 patterns.
  • Legacy license 201. PAM4 LFE, CTLE, and DFE equalizers enabled for PAM4 waveforms.
  • Legacy license SIM. Embedding / de-embedding of channels for PAM4 waveforms.