MATLAB Requirements
Meas. mode:
Package License:
- For MATLAB scripts (*.m), install MATLAB on the DCA-X or PC where FlexDCA is running.
- MATLAB must have the following tools loaded to complete the lessons that are provided in this help system.
- MATLAB 8.5
- MATLAB Compiler 6.0 (include for creating standalone, .exe, applications)
- Signal Processing Toolbox 7.0
- For MATLAB Standalone Applications (*.exe), install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR). The MCR version must match the MATLAB version that was used to compile the MATLAB application. MATLAB Applications are created using the MATLAB Compiler. The resulting *.exe file can be run without having MATLAB installed on the N1000A or PC. However, the MATLAB Runtime must be installed on the N1000A or PC where FlexDCA is installed.