MATLAB Measurements Scripts
Meas. mode:
Package License:
To run a MATLAB based user measurement, you must create a simple XML configuration file that describes your measurement. In addition to calling the script, the XML file populates the User Measurement Setup dialog.
When a user measurement is run, FlexDCA performs the following tasks for each data acquisition:
- Makes the waveform, the standard variables, and any custom variables available in the MATLAB workspace. In Oscilloscope and TDR modes, the source waveform is a one-dimensional array. In Eye mode, the source database is a two-dimensional array.
- Runs any selected "dependent" FlexDCA measurements in which the measurement result is used by the script. (specified in XML file).
- Executes the script.
- Retrieves the measurement result from the MATLAB workspace and displays the result in the measurement results table. A number of standard output variables are also retrieved from the MATLAB workspace.