Python Output Variables

Meas. mode:
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The following table lists the output variables that can be returned to FlexDCA when your script completes. The Result variable must be set in your script. The remaining variables may be returned, if needed. For Python scripts, these variables are returned in a dictionary.

Output Variables
Variable Type Description
Variables that must be returned by your script
Result float The measured scalar result. For example, 1.234
Optional variables that can be returned by your script
Units string Returns the units associated with the measurement result.The valid units are:
Full Name Abbreviation Full Name Abbreviation
'none' 'Volt' 'V'
'second' 's' 'meter' 'm'
'inch' 'in' 'Ohm'
'decibel' 'dB' 'Hertz' 'Hz'
'Ampere' 'A' 'Watt' 'W'
'percent' '%' 'ratio' ' : 1'
'Unknown' 'U' 'sample' 'Sa'
'point' 'pts' 'division' 'div'
'dBm' 'dBm' 'hour'
'waveform' 'wfm' 'hits' 'hits'
'reflect' 'gain'
'feet' 'ft' 'Henry' 'H'
'Farad' 'F' 'minute' 'min'
'b/s' 'baud' 'Bd'
'Unit Interval' 'UI' 'Unit Amplitude' 'UA'
Status string Returns the status of the measurement result. The string can be 'Correct', 'Questionable', or 'Invalid'. It is recommended that you set the Status variable to 'Correct' only after the Result is computed.
ErrorMsg string Returns an error message for the measurement. The error message is displayed in the DCA message area. The ErrorMsg variable is an ASCII string. Unicode characters in the variable cannot be displayed in the FlexDCA's error Details dialog or in the User Measurement Output dialog.
ValueFormat string

Returns the format of the measurement result. Valid formats are:

  • 'Fixed': Fixed exponent. For example, 12345.6 V
  • 'Engineering': For example, 12.3456 kV
  • 'Scientific': For example, 1.23456E+4 V
Resolution float Returns the desired resolution of the measurement result based on the measurement unit. For example, if the measurement was 678.4512e-12 seconds, a resolution setting of 0.01e-12 would result in a displayed value of 678.45 ps. If this output variable is not returned, FlexDCA defaults to 0.0 is meaning no rounding due to resolution. Rounding will be handled by FlexDCA.
SignificantDigits integer Returns the number of significant digits in the measurement result. For example, 4. If this output variable is not returned, FlexDCA defaults to 6. Rounding will be handled by FlexDCA.

Python Example

return { 'Result' : Result,
		  'Status' : 'Correct',
		  'Units' : 'second',
		  'ValueFormat': 'Engineering',
		  'Resolution': 0.01e-12,
		  'ErrorMsg' : ErrorMsg }