
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Command Syntax

:CALibrate:ACAL:TEMPerature <temp-deviation>

Where <temp-deviation> is a double that indicates degrees Centigrade (not Fahrenheit).


Specifies the maximum temperature deviation allowed, in centigrade, before a DCA-M module AutoCal is performed. The temperature can be entered as a double, but is rounded to the nearest tenth of a degree Centigrade. For example, if 3.461 degrees is entered, the maximum temperature change limit is set to 3.5 °C. The default maximum change is 5.0 °C.

To enable or disable automatic calibrations, use the :CALibrate:ACAL:ENABle command. To specify the maximum elapsed time, use the :CALibrate:ACAL:TIME command.