Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram
Query Syntax
:CALibrate:DARK:STATus? "<DCA-M-name>", "<DCA-M-channel>"
Where <DCA-M-name> is the N109x-series DCA module's name that is shown on the DCA-M block on the Hardware Diagram. For example, "N1092B-US12345678".
Where <DCA-M-channel> DCA module's optical input channel. For example, "B".
A N109x-series DCA-M module calibration includes a dark calibration. Use this query return the status of the dark calibration. The targeted optical channel is identified by a single channel letter (for example, A, B, C, or D
) and does not include a module slot number. One of the following response strings is returned:
- The dark calibration has been performed.
- The module requires a dark calibration.
Use the child queries listed in the following table to return details about the current calibration.
Status String | Child Query to Send |
Time of last calibration, Time change since last calibration, and Temperature change since last calibration |
Change in temperature | :DTEMperature?
Change in Time | :TIME?
Example Command
:CALibrate:DARK:STATus? "N1092A-US12341678", "A"