
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Command Syntax

:CONFigure:CGENerator:ACTive "<clock-name>", {ON | OFF}

Where <clock-name> is the name that identifies the Clock Generator block on the Hardware Diagram.

Query Syntax

:CONFigure:CGENerator:ACTive? "<clock-name>"

Query Response

{0 | 1}


Installs or removes a Clock Generator on the Hardware Diagram. When installing a new Clock Generator you can use any unique string that you like up to 20 characters in length. Or, if you enter an empty string, the default strings will be assigned which is "Clock Gen #'. The Clock Generator name must contain valid Windows file name characters. You can also rename the Clock Generator later using the :CONFigure:CGENerator:REName command. Send the query for of this command to determine if the Clock Generator is installed on the Hardware Diagram.

Here are some examples:

hwdiagram.write(':CONFigure:CGENerator:ACTive "", ON') # install 1st Clock Generator with standard name "Clock Gen 1"
hwdiagram.write(':CONFigure:CGENerator:ACTive "DUT Fixture 2 clock", ON') # install 2nd Clock Generator with custom name

If your DUT Fixture includes a clock output, do not install a Clock Generator on the Hardware Diagram and instead use the :CONFigure:FIXTure:HCOutcommand to ON to indicate that the Fixture's clock should be used.

The name of a Clock Generator is important as the name is passed as an argument to other commands including the universal port connect command :CONFigure:PORT:CONNect which is used to connect Fixture ports to other blocks in the Hardware Diagram. The Clock Generator name is also shown in FlexOTO's panels and reports.

Token Parameters

The second command argument can be one of the following tokens:

Installs an Clock Generator on the Hardware Diagram.
Uninstalls an Clock Generator from the Hardware Diagram.

Send the query to determine if the Clock Generator is installed on the Hardware Diagram.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.07.80 and above.

Example Command

hwdiagram.write(':CONFigure:CGENerator:ACTive "Clock Generator SN1234", ON')